Topic outline

  • Answers to frequently asked questions

    When is the campus open?

    Monday to Friday - 8:30am - 9:00pm

    Saturday & Sunday - 11:00am - 3:00pm

    Public Holidays - 11:00am - 3:00pm 

    How do I book a quiet study space?

    The Campus Meeting Room (LC1-04) is available for quiet study when not in use for University business.  Signage at the front of the room indicates whether the room is available for student use.

    To book a room for private group study, the booking request must be made through the room booking system:  At least 24 hours notice is required to book private study space.  Please note:  COVID-19 restrictions apply.

    Is the campus safe after hours?

    The University is focused on making your time with us an enjoyable and smooth experience, so we have invested in the SafeZone App to protect your safety.

    SafeZone is a smart phone based safety initiative for use on all UniSA Campuses. The free App will connect you directly to the UniSA Security team should you need our assistance or emergency support while you are on campus.

    SafeZone does not track your location until you make an Emergency, First Aid or Help call. All information you provide as a SafeZone user is protected by Privacy Laws.

    For more information please click here

    Can I buy food on campus?

    Yes you can. Donna Stone runs the canteen located on in the TAFE courtyard and caters to both campuses. To find the canteen, exit the university via the side doors off the piazza, cross the road and enter TAFE via the corridor. You will exit the corridor in the TAFE courtyard. Alternatively, there is a vending machine located in front of LC1-37 (Computer Pool) that dispenses food and drinks.

    Social Media for students studying at Mount Gambier Campus

    News presence on social media to build awareness of the campus.

    Facebook:  University of South Australia Mount Gambier Campus (this is a public page)

    Facebook:  USASA - UNISA Mount Gambier (this is a closed group for students)

    Instagram: unisamountgambier

    Twitter:       @IanMcKayUniSA

    How do I get my student ID card?

    Students will need to submit their photo via myID via the ask Campus Central website.  Once your photo is submitted and approved, your ID card can then be printed at any time by Campus Central staff - see Michelle, Ryan or Rachel.

    How do I get my textbooks?

    Textbooks can be purchased from Booktopia or borrowed from the UniSA Library. There are limited hard copies but you can also download an e-version of some textbooks.

    Second hand books are often advertised on the USASA - UNISA Mount Gambier Facebook page.

    How can I find out about important dates, etc? (Study periods, exams, holidays, prac dates)

    All important dates are recorded on the Academic Calendar. Go to your student portal and search 'What important dates do I need to know' then follow the prompts.

    How do I contact the IT guy?

    Phil Garrett is our on campus IT support officer.

    If you need Phil's assistance you must first log a job with the ISTS helpdesk either via online from your uni homepage or call 25000 from the phone located at the IT/Library service point next to room LC1-33. This must always be your first action.

    Once you have done this, Phil will be notified you require assistance and will come and help you.