Topic outline
Module 8: Project and Test
In this module you prepare for and submit your summative assessment tasks, a MATLAB project and test, to complete the requirements for this short course.
About half way through this short course, you will be organised into small groups to complete the MATLAB project. Go visit your team's private working spaces - post a hello message to your team's forum and write your name on the front page of your team's wiki.
Consider the Project Briefs for an Elbow, Slotted Arm or Whitworth Quick Release Mechanism. Working in your groups, discuss a plan to complete the requirements in the allowed time frames. Use the group forum to share ideas and write your project report in the group wiki. You can seek clarification on any aspect of the project from the teaching team using this forum.
Attempt this Sample MATLAB test. This quiz is automatically marked. You are also able to review other past MATLAB tests to help you prepare for your assessment.
Your group will no longer have access to your wiki at the end of the designated last week of your short course. Your work will be assessed and a grade and feedback returned within 2 weeks.
In the designated last week of the short course you will be asked to complete a 45 minute quiz in parallel to operating MATLAB. This quiz will be manually marked.