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    General texts
    Blaikie, N 1993, Approaches to social enquiry, Polity Press, Cambridge.
    Crotty, M 1998, The Foundations of social research, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. E-book at:
    Dreyfus, H and Rabinow, P 1982, Michel Foucault: beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
    Harrington, A (ed) 2005, Modern social theory: An introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
    Hughes, J and Sharrock, W 1997, The Philosophy of social research, 3rd edn, Pearson Longman, London.
    Mansfield, N 2000, Subjectivity: theories of the self from Freud to Haraway, Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
    May, T 2003, Social research: Issues, methods and process, Open University Press, Buckingham.
    May, T 2002, Qualitative research in action, Sage publications, London.
    May, T 1996, Situating social theory, Open University Press, Buckingham. 
    Neuman, W 2000, Social research methods: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches, Fourth edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston. 
    Phillips, DC 1987, Philosophy, science and social inquiry, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
    Somekh, B and Lewin, C 2005, Research methods in the social sciences, Sage, London.

    Classical social philosophy
    Tucker, K H 2002, Classical social theory: A contemporary approach, Blackwell Publishers, Massachusetts.

    Positivism and empiricism
    Chalmers, A 1999, What is this thing called science, 3rd edn, UQP, St Lucia.
    Kincaid, H 1996, Philosophical foundations of the social sciences: Analysing controversies in social research, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
    Kolakowski, L 1993, ‘An overall view of positivism’, in Social research: philosophy, politics and practice, ed M Hammersley, Sage, London.
    von Wright, G 1993, ‘Two traditions’, in Social research: philosophy, politics and practice, ed M Hammersley, Sage, London.

    Social constructionism, phenomenology, interpretivism
    Harding, S 1992, 'After the neutrality ideal: Science, politics and "strong objectivity", Social Research, vol, 59, no 3, pp. 567-587.
    Heath, C and J Hindmarsh 2002, 'Analysing interaction: Video, ethnography and situated conduct', in Qualitative research in action, ed T May, Sage Publications, London.
    Mason, J 2002, 'Qualitative interviewing: Asking, listening and interpreting', in Qualitative research in action, ed T May, Sage Publications, London.
    Schwandt, T 1994, ‘Constructivist, interpretivist approaches to human inquiry’, Handbook of qualitative research, Ed N Denzin and Y Lincoln, Sage, Thousand Oaks.
    von Wright, G 1993, ‘Two traditions’, in Social research: philosophy, politics and practice, ed M Hammersley, Sage, London.
    Williams, G 2002, 'Generalization in interpretive research', in Qualitative research in action, ed T May, Sage Publications, London.

    Mixed methods, post positivism, interpretivism, pragmatism
    Baert, P. 2003. Pragmatism, Realism and Hermeneutics. Foundations of Science, 8(1), 89-106.
    Bryman, A. 1984. The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Queston of Method or Epistemology? The British Journal of Sociology, 35(1), 75-92.
    Bryman, A. 2001. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bryman, A. 2006. Paradigm Peace and the Implications for Quality. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9(2), 111-126.
    Cherryholmes, C.C. 1992. Notes on Pragmatism and Scientific Realism. Educational Researcher, 21(6), 13-17.
    Cook, T. D. 1985. Post-Positivist Critical Multiplism. In L. Shotland & M. M. Mark (Eds.), Social Science and Social Policy. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
    Crabtree, B. F. & Miller, W. L. 1999. Doing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Creswell, J. W. & Plano Clark, V. L. 2007. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    Davies, B. 2003. The Role of Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Industrial Studies of Tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research, 5(2), 97-111.
    De Vaus, D. 2001. Research Design in Social Research. London: Sage Publications.
    Giddings, L.S. & Grant, B.M. 2007. A Trojan Horse for Positivism? A Critique of Mixed Methods Research. Advances in Nursing Science, 30 (1), 52-60.
    Greene, J.C. 2008. Is Mixed Methods Social Inquiry a Distinctive Methodology? Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2(1), 7-22.
    Greene, J.C., Caracelli, V.J. & Graham, W.F. 1989. Toward a Conceptual Framework for Mixed-Method Evaluation Designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11(3), 255-274.
    Guba, E. G. 1990. The Paradigm Dialog, Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Guba, E.G. & Lincoln, Y.S. 2003. Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 253-291.
    Hammersley, M. 1996. The Relationship between Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Paradigm Loyalty versus Methodological Eclecticism. In J.T.E. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences. Leicester: BPS Books, 159-174.
    Houts, A.C., Cook, T.D. & Shadish, W.R. 1986. The Person-Situation Debate: A Critical Multiplist Perspective. Journal of Personality, 54(1), 52-105
    Howe, K.R. 1988. Against the Quantitative-Qualitative Incompatibility Thesis or Dogmas Die Hard. Educational Researcher, 17(8), 10-16.
    Johnson, B. & Christensen, L.B. 2004. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
    Johnson, B. & Onwuegbuzie, A.J. 2004. Mixed Methods Research: A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26.
    Letourneau, N. & Allen, M. 1999. Post-Positivistic Critical Multiplism: A Beginning Dialogue. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(3), 623-630.
    Macy, S.J. 2003. Pragmatic Threads in Mixed Methods Research in the Social Sciences: The Search for Multiple Modes of Inquiry and the End of the Philosophy of Formalism. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioural Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif. ; London: Sage Publications, 51-89. Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Mitchell, M.L. & Jolley, J.M. 2007. Research Design Explained. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
    Morgan, D.L. 2007. Paradigms Lost and Pragmatism Regained: Methodological Implications of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(1), 48-76.
    Morse, J.M. 1991. Approaches to Qualitative-Quantitative Methodological Triangulation. Nursing Research, 40(1), 120-123.
    Onwuegbuzie, A.J. & Leech, N.L. 2005. On Becoming a Pragmatic Researcher: The Importance of Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(5), 357-387.
    Pansiri, J. 2005. Pragmatism: A Metholological Approach to Researching Strategic Alliances in Tourism. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 2(3), 191-206. Phillips, D.C. 1992. The Social Scientist's Bestiary: A Guide to Fabled Threats to, and Defences of, Naturalistic Social Science. Oxford ; New York: Pergamon Press.
    Powell, T.C. 2001. Competitive Advantage: Logical and Philosophical Considerations. Strategic Management Journal, 22(9), 875-888.
    Reichardt, C.S. & Rallis, S.F. 1994. Qualitative and Quantitative Inquiries Are Not Incompatible: A Call for a New Partnership. In C.S. Reichardt & S.F. Rallis (Eds.), The Qualitative-Quantitative Debate: New Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 85-91.
    Sarantakos, S. 1998. Social Research. Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia.
    Silverman, D. 2001. Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text, and Interaction. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Smith, J.K. & Heshusius, L. 1986. Closing Down the Conversation: The End of the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate Among Educational Inquirers. Educational Researcher, 15(1), 4-12.
    Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. 1998. Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. London: SAGE Publications.
    Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. 2003. Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif. ; London: SAGE Publications.
    Weiss, S.J. 1995. Contemporary Empiricism. In A. Omery, C.E. Kasper & G.G. Page (Eds.), In Search of Nursing Science. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Yin, R.K. 2003. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. 

    Critical theory
    Agger, B 1998, Critical social theories: an introduction, Westview Press, Colorado.
    Fay, B 1993, ‘The elements of critical social science’, in Social research: philosophy, politics and practice, ed M Hammersley, Sage, London.
    Kincheloe, J and McLaren P 1994, ‘Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research’, in Handbook of qualitative research, ed N Denzin and Y Lincoln, Sage, London.
    Morrow, RA and Brown, DD 1994, Critical theory and methodology: contemporary social theory, Sage, London.
    Porter, S 2002, 'Critical realist ethnography', in Qualitative research in action, ed T May, Sage Publications, London.

    Hawkes, T 2003, Structuralism and semiotics, Second edition, Routledge, London.
    Homer, S 2005, Jaques Lacan, Routledge, London.

    Dreyfus, H and Rabinow, P 1982, Michel Foucault: beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York.
    Gutting G (ed) The Cambridge companion to Foucault, 2nd edition
    Kendall, G and Wickham, G 1999, Using Foucault's methods, Sage, London.
    Lloyd, M and Thacker, A (eds) 1997, The impact of Michel Foucault on the social sciences and humanities, St. Martins Press, New York.
    McHoul, A and Grace, W 1993, A Foucault primer: discourse, power and the subject, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. (see chapter 1)
    O'Farrell, C 2005, Michel Foucault, Sage Publications, London.

    Norris, C 2002, Deconstruction, 3rd edn, Routledge, London.

    Feminist research approaches
    Hesse-Biber, S (ed) 2007 Handbook of feminist research: theory and praxis, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
    Hesse-Biber, S and P Leavy (eds) 2007, Feminist research practice: a primer, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
    Hesse-Biber, S, Gilmartin C and Lydenberg, R (eds) 1999, Feminist approaches to theory and methodology: an interdisciplinary reader, Oxford University Press, New York.
    Oakley, A 2000, Experiments in knowing: gender and method in the social sciences, Polity Press, Cambridge.
    Neilsen, J 1990, Feminist research methods: exemplary readings in the social sciences, Westview Press, San Francisco. (Introductory chapter)
    Reinharz, S 1992, Feminist methods in social research, Oxford University Press, New York.
    Sprague, J 2005, Feminist methodologies for critical researchers: bridging differences, AltaMira Press, CA.