Topic outline



    Detail: Adequate but not excessive detail is provided in relation to reporting, recording, confidentiality and the appeals process (AISP 2010-2012).

    Enacting exemplary policy in practice requires that academic integrity breach data is confidentially maintained, secure, managed and analysed for the purpose of process improvement, quality assurance, procedural fairness, transparency, and improvement of teaching and learning (EAIP Roundtable Dissemination Presentation 2013). It is important to outline in what circumstances the records may be accessed for internal and external purposes. Specify if any notation is to appear on the student's transcript or memorandum of results. Data from the presentations of all five institutions with exemplary academic integrity policy at the EAIP Roundtable (28 February 2013) were coded in the theme ‘central recordkeeping’.

    Example: University of Western Australia

    As an educative approach to academic integrity is a key purpose of the policy the record is to include opportunities provided or requirements for the student to learn through the completion of an Academic Integrity Student Tutorial or by seeking help from a Learning Advisor. These records (e.g. Learning Advisor Referral form) are used to guide the further education of the student if another breach of academic integrity is identified.