Descriptive data analysis: COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, and other calculations

2. What is Excel?

Excel is a software program which is a standard part of Microsoft Office (just like Word and PowerPoint).  All computers in the UniSA computer pools have Microsoft Office installed.


Introductory Activity

Locate and open Excel on the computer you are currently using. When you open Excel for the first time, you will see a spreadsheet.

On top of the spreadsheet (just like in Word), there is a menu and icons.

At the bottom is a "tab" or worksheet which is named “Sheet 1".  Next to this there is a little "plus" sign in a circle.  If you click on the "plus" sign it will add another worksheet - you can have a go!  If you right click on any of the worksheet tabs you can rename it. 

Excel files are essentially books made up of one or many worksheets.

Excel is a very useful program and once you feel comfortable with it, you should be able to find MANY uses for this throughout your studies and in your future career.

Ok ... so now you know what a blank/new Excel workbook looks like…you are ready to move on!