Descriptive data analysis: COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, and other calculations

9. Write your own formula: Calculate a Proportion (%)

4: Calculate the proportion (%) of students in your cohort who are male 

  • In your "calculations" worksheet, locate the appropriate cell to enter the proportion of students who are male:

cell for % calc

  • With your mouse, select the cell in which you want to enter the proportion of students who are male.
  • You will need to now calculate the following formula:

=([count of males] ÷ [total n of students])

NOTE:  In Excel, "divide by" (÷) is represented using the character "/".


You can enter these counts/totals manually, or you can select the cell in which they are located as follows:

1.  In the formula bar, type:


click in the cell containing the count of males

this cell reference (e.g., C27) should now be written in the formula bar after the equals sign (=)

3.  click back into the formula bar and type:


4.  click in the cell containing the total count of students

5.  click back into the formula bar and finish the bracket:


  • Press the Enter key on your keyboard

You have now calculated the proportion of males within your student cohort.


BUT ... often we like to present proportions as percentages (%).  To do this we need to multiply the proportion by 100.  Adding this to the original formula would look like this:


=([count of males] ÷ [total n of students]) x 100

NOTE: In Excel, "multiply by" (x) is represented using the character "*".


  • Select the cell with the proportion of males in the student cohort
  • In the formula bar, click at the end of the existing formula, and type:


  • Press the Enter key on your keyboard

You have now calculated the proportion (%) of males in your student cohort.

Now SAVE your workbook!


Did you all get the same answer?



Using the same process as above, calculate the proportion of females within your student cohort.


How did you go?