Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Analyses

For observations coming from a normal distribution, we usually present the mean as the measure of location, and the standard deviation as the measure of dispersion. For non-normal data, we usually present the median as the estimate of location or typical value. For dispersion, there is not really a consensus on what to present. Choices include:

Range:                    Distance between lowest and highest value

IQR:                        Interquartile range: distance between the 25th and 75th percentile

95% CI median:      The 95% Confidence Interval for the median

In the dataset above, if the variable is called obs, to obtain these in Stata, we can simply use the summarize procedure. 

sum obs, detail

The median is the 50th percentile, which is 8. The range is 17-3 = 14. The IQR is 12 - 4 = 8. To obtain the 95% CI for the median, we can use the Stata centile command.


centile obs

This shows that the median is 8, and the 95% Confidence Intervals is 3.1 – 16.5.

To get the 95% CI for the median in SPSS, we would use:

compute x=1.

ratio statistics obs with x

       /print=cin(95) median.