Studying Externally
Getting Started: Managing Study
Emailing Staff
At university, email is a key form of communication between staff and students. While you might use email informally outside of uni, here it is a formal type of communication, which means there are rules and etiquette.
Include a subject line that summarises the message
Be concise, polite, and respectful of staff
Allow time for a reply: staff can’t answer emails 24 hours a day
Use your university email address rather than your personal address and clearly identify yourself in the message
Check spelling and grammar before sending
Check your email regularly
Don’t assume the recipient knows the background of what you're writing about: provide sufficient context
Don’t write in ALL CAPS or use a threatening tone
Don’t overuse acronyms or emoticons
Don’t Reply All when responding to a widely sent email unless necessary
Your email style reflects on you as a student and professional, so write as professionally as possible.