PS Contact Types

Update the Status of a Contact Type Value to 'Inactive'

Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to enter, update, or correct Contact Type values.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

If a Placement Contact Type value is no longer relevant or required, the Status of the Contact Type value must be updated to ‘Inactive’.

To inactivate a Placement Contact Type value, locate the existing Contact Type value in ‘Update/Display’ mode, insert a new effective dated row, and update the Status of the Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ as at the relevant effective date.

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1: Receive request to update the Status of a Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ (if applicable)

Step 2: Update the Status of the Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ in Medici

Step 3: Send notification that the Status of the Contact Type value has been updated (if applicable)

Step 1:    Receive request to update the Status of a Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ (if applicable)



Requests to update the Status of an existing Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to inactivate the Contact Type value).

The request will contain the following information:

- Contact Type value to be updated

- Date from which the Status of the Contact Type value is to be made ‘Inactive’ (Effective Date)


Step 2:    Update the Status of the Contact Type value to ‘Inactive’ in Medici

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Setup®Contact Types

Find an Existing Value

AContact Type: Type the [Contact Type value to be made ‘Inactive’].

BSelect the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contact Types page is displayed.

Contact Type Details

Contact Type Details

ASelect the Add a New Row button (+).

BEffective Date:      Type or select the [date the Contact Type value is to be made ‘Inactive’].

     Status:                  Select Inactive.

Select the Save button.

Result:  The Status of the Contact Type value will be updated to ‘Inactive’ on the entered Effective Date.


Step 3:    Send notification that the Status of the Contact Type value has been updated to ‘Inactive’ (if applicable)



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact Type value has been updated to ‘Inactive’ in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Status of the Contact Type value has been updated to ‘Inactive’ as at the requested effective date.