PP Organisations

View an Organisation's Details

Process Overview

Placement Officers and Placement Administrators are able to view the following Organisation details:

-          Contacts and contact details (Phone, Fax, Email, Web Address)

-          UniSA Custodian of the Organisation

-          Sites

-          Placement Agreements

-          Placement Initiatives

-          Conditions

-          Pay Claim Details

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1:            Locate the Organisation record in Medici

Step 2:            View the Organisation’s phone and fax numbers, and electronic addresses

Step 3:            View the UniSA Custodian of the Organisation

Step 4:            View the Organisation’s Comments

Step 5:            View the Organisation’s Sites

Step 6:            View the Organisation’s Contacts

Step 7:            View the Organisation’s Placement Agreements

Step 8:            View the Organisation’s Placement Initiatives

Step 9:            View the Organisation’s Conditions

Step 10:          View the Organisation’s Pay Claim Details

Step 1:    Locate the Organisation record in Medici

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Organisations


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

           Organisation ID:                      Type the relevant [Organisation ID].

           Description:                                      Type the relevant [Organisation description].

           Long Description:                            Type the relevant [Organisation long description].

          Organisation Type:                    Type or select the relevant [Organisation Type].

          Australian Business Number:      Type the [Organisation’s ABN].

B Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Organisations: Organisation page is displayed.


Step 2:    View the Organisation’s phone and fax numbers, and electronic addresses

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


Organisation Details

A View the Organisation’s telephone and fax numbers.

Electronic Addresses

B View the Organisation’s electronic addresses.


Step 3:    View the UniSA Custodian of the Organisation

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


UniSA Custodian

A View the UniSA Custodian of the Organisation.


Step 4:    View the Organisation’s Comments

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


A View the Organisation’s Comments.


Step 5:    View the Organisation’s Sites

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


Organisation Links

A Select the Sites link.

Result:  The Organisation Sites page is displayed.


A View the Organisation’s Sites.

When you have finished viewing the Organisation’s Sites:

B Select the Return button.

Result:  The Organisations: Organisation page is displayed again.


Step 6:    View the Organisation’s Contacts

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


Organisation Links

A Select the Contacts link.

Result:  The Organisation Contacts page is displayed.


A View the Organisation’s Contacts.

When you have finished viewing the Organisation’s Contacts:

B Select the Return button.

Result:  The Organisations: Organisation page is displayed again.


Step 7:    View the Organisation’s Placement Agreements

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


Organisation Links

A Select the Placement Agreements link.

Result:  The Organisation Agreements page is displayed.


AView the Organisation’s Placement Agreements.

When you have finished viewing the Placement Agreements in place with the Organisation:

B Select the Return button.

Result:  The Organisations: Organisation page is displayed again.


Step 8:    View the Organisation’s Placement Initiatives

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


Organisation Links

A Select the Placement Initiatives link.

Result:  The Organisation Placement Initiatives page is displayed.


AView the Organisation’s Placement Initiatives.

When you have finished viewing the Organisation’s Placement Initiatives:

B Select the Return button.

Result:  The Organisations: Organisation page is displayed again.


Step 9:    View the Organisation’s Conditions

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Organisations: Organisation page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1


A Select the Additional Details tab or link.

Result:  The Organisations: Additional Details page is displayed.


Organisation Conditions

A View the Organisation’s Conditions.


Step 10:  View the Organisation’s Pay Claim details

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    If the Organisations: Additional Details page is not already displayed as a result of performing step 9, select the Additional Details tab or link


Organisation Pay Claims

A View the Organisation’s Pay Claim details.