Topic 3 Activities

1. Read the following chapters/papers

Course e-reader

Decision making, systems, modeling and support, Chapter 2 pp. 38-69 from Turban, E, Sharda, R & Delen, D 2011, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th edition, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

André, R 2007, Organizational Behavior:  An Introduction to Your Life In Organizations, Chapter 3, pp 62-93

2. Watch the Simon's Model concept video

3. Watch the videos below on Herbert Simon and making smarter decisions

4. Investigate the following terms for discussion in the workshops:

    • rational decision making
    • bounded rationality
    • satisficing
    • heuristics

5. Work through questions for discussion 8, 9 and 10 on page 65 of the Turban et al reading. You will need these answers for your Workshop activities.