Topic 5 Activities


  1. Watch Collaboration video
  2. Theory discussion: what did you learn about this week's theory? Are there elements of the theory that you don't understand? Discuss in your tables.
  3. From the decisions identified in your organisation are there elements of team decision making that you can discuss - are they effective or not and why?


  1. Watch Team Work video - discuss the elements that make for effective teamwork
  2. You are the Australian producers of The Amazing Race.  You have a limited budget and can therefore only visit five countries.  Competitors start at Uluru, Northern Territory and finish at the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France. In each country they can only visit 2 cities or towns. Using Qantas as the preferred airline, use the Qantas website plan and route maps to map out your competition. As a team plan the countries, cities/towns, 2 tasks/activites per location and mode of transport between locations. Plan where you are going to go, set tasks for team members and present your findings to the class where your display will be shown on the large screens around the room. During the activity you should consider how you are working as a team and how individual personalities and decision styles are impacting on the outcome of the activity.