Topic 6 Activities


  1. Theory discussion: What did you learn about this week's theory? Are there elements of the theory that you don't understand? Discuss this in your tables.
  2. In your Organisation discuss the posts that you have made on padlet about the use of data mining techniques to support decision making for your organisation.
  3. Small group discussions will be held to consider the use of spreadsheets for data mining.


  1. Review of Amazing Race Presentations - students will peer review the other groups' Amazing Race from the previous week and discuss the group work aspects of the project.
  2. Data mining is a skill that many past students have identified as being very important in their first years of employment.  

    In your group select one available online database (eg AOL music, iTunes,, etc). Explore the website to determine what information it provides. Once identified, list the attributes (types of information or fields) that are collected and displayed.  Can you identify any links between the information and the pages on which they are available? Is the information easy to locate? Why/why not? Present your findings on PowerPoint or Padlet.

  3. Excel and Data Mining Activity
  4. Assignment 3 Preparation - planning activity