Mechanical engineering design

Holding it all together: joining techniques, frames and brackets

Have you ever come across a device with quality individual parts which were let down by poor joining strategies, or by a weak frame? Joining and outer frameworks, although they may not have a big input into the achievement of the device aims, could be a major cause of its lack of success!

Quality effective components may be meaningless if they are not held together effectively.

In this first video, Uddin discusses different methods of joining components for your device assembly, and how to avoid assembly weaknesses. 

At one stage in the video on Joining techniques, you are asked to study a poorly joined device and come up with some possible improvements.  What lessons are there here for your own design and build? 

Download this video (220.7 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Mechanical Engineering Design' lecture series 

Watch a YouTube playlist of all the videos for the 'Mechanical Engineering Design' lecture series

Download the slides for this video (12.4 MB), or the slides for any of the other videos on 'Mechanical Engineering Design' 

In this video, Uddin talks about frames and brackets to hold your device together.

Download this video (107.2 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Mechanical Engineering Design' lecture series 

Download the slides for this video (332 KB), or the slides for any of the other videos on 'Mechanical Engineering Design'