Your project

Managing your project meetings and making them worthwhile

We've all been in project and group meetings which, looking back, were total wastes of time, for a number of different reasons.

Michael gives some hints here on how to keep your group project meetings on track and worthwhile. 

As you watch, think about the following questions:

Can your group meet face to face or do meetings have to be online?

If online, what tools are the best for this (Skype, etc)?

How often should the team meet?

Who is going to keep the records of what happened and what was decided?

How will you deal with team members who are not turning up? 

Note that you will have to keep a log book of every session in which you complete any work for this project, so you will need to keep records of what happened in each session.

Download this video (21.3 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Your project' lecture series 

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