Your project

Working in teams, and the Belbin team roles

Much of your work in this course is as a group, and it is critical that you can work effectively as a team right from the start.

In this video, Michael talks about the challenges and processes involved in making your group work really effective. 

As you watch, think about the following questions:

What team role do you think that you fit best: organiser, motivator, pusher, soldier, gatherer, listener, completer, specialist, or evaluator?

How would you deal with team members who you think are not contributing or not participating effectively? 

Download this video (15.9 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Your project' lecture series 

Watch a YouTube playlist of all the videos for the 'Your project' lecture series

Download the slides for this video (2.3 MB), or the slides for any of the other videos on 'Your project'