Practical 3: Arrays


Variable Editor

Switch to the ‘VARIABLE’ tab to edit your variables/arrays manually. It allows you to edit your arrays and variables in a spreadsheet environment.

> Press Open icon to choose a variable or an array. Otherwise simply double click on the name of the variable or an array you wish to edit in your Workspace Window. A new window named ‘Variables - <name of the variable>’ will be opened. Change any value and see what happens in the Workspace Window and in the Command Window which moved below the new window.

The MATLAB Variable Editor
Switch to ‘VARIABLE’ tab to edit your variables/arrays manually. It allows you to edit your arrays and variables in a spreadsheet environment.
> Press Open icon to choose a variable or an array. Otherwise simply double click on the name of the variable or an array you wish to edit in your Workspace Window. A new window named ‘Variables - <name of the variable>’ will be opened. Change any value and see what happens in the Workspace Window and in the Command Window which moved below the new window.
> Choose any of your existing arrays. Plot a graph by highlighting the cells that you wish to plot and then click on the graph button in Plot tab at the top of the grey coloured area. You can choose from a range of plots by clicking the corresponding icon.
> To switch off Variable Editor close the window named ‘Variables - <name of the variable>’.

> Choose any of your existing arrays. Plot a graph by highlighting the cells that you wish to plot and then click on the graph button in Plot tab at the top of the grey coloured area. You can choose from a range of plots by clicking the corresponding icon.

> To switch off Variable Editor close the window named ‘Variables - <name of the variable>’.