Practical 4: For- and While- Loops, If-statements

Command Sequence Controls

if Statements

Complex if-elseif-else-end statements:

if <expression 1>

<command> % evaluated if expression 1 is true

elseif <expression 2>

<command> % evaluated if expression 2 is true

elseif expression3

<command> % evaluated if expression 3 is true



<command> % evaluated if none of expressions are true



% If x is negative, assign value of x to negativeValue

% If x is positive, assign value of x to positiveValue

% If x is zero, assign value of x to zeroValue


if x<0

negativeValue = x

elseif x>0

positiveValue = x


zeroValue = x


Exercise: Using if- statements

> Verify that the above code is correct by checking with a positive, negative and zero value of x. It will be faster to run the code from a script M-file.

> Why don’t we need to check if x is actually zero when assigning it to zeroValue?