Transition to Professional Practice Program (T Triple P). Job Search Strategy

Transition to Professional Practice Program (T Triple P)

Part D: Selection Criteria

This is usually a very time consuming task…. 8-10 hours of work is not uncommon! Therefore, get started in plenty of time before the closing date so that you are able to revisit, and revise your document several times before submitting it. Yes…..that level of attention to your document is that important to your chances of landing a job. Before responding to each criterion, read each statement carefully and identify exactly what attributes are being sought. Perhaps underline each of the components within a criterion statement so that you don’t miss any in your response.

A useful way of organising your response is to think of each component within a criterion statement as being a mini topic that you have to write about.

Activity icon Consider this criterion which appears in the SA Health person specification:

Effective communication skills including, problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation skills.

How many mini topics would you write about in your response?

If you said three – well done! Your statement would need to reflect that you have the ability to apply your communication skills in three areas – problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation.

Activity icon What about this one?

Ability to be, creative, innovative and flexible when approaching issues within a healthcare setting.

Here, there are four areas of ability being sought – creative, innovative and flexible, and within a health care setting. Start noting some dot points for what you would say for each of the four areas.

Suggested Approach

Many people are unsure about how to write their responses. Here’s an important rule of thumb……make it very easy for the reader to both read and interpret what you have written.

Therefore, try this simple, but effective approach to responding to selection criteria:

• In your document, type out the exact criterion statement and make it stand out from your response, by using ‘bold’ or ‘italics’.
• In the first sentence of your response make your claim that you have the required attributes and then state 'for example’.
• Then use bullet points, and provide specific examples……’where and/or how’ of applying the skill or attribute.

Using the SA Health criterion relating to effective communication skills, here is part of a sample response:

“I have well developed communication skills and am able to approach situations of problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation confidently and effectively. For example:

  • A patient’s wife had concerns about his ongoing care at home after discharge. I used my questioning and listening skills to fully identify her concerns, suggested some options to her and helped her to identify the most appropriate course of action.
  • There was conflict about how to manage a client between several members of staff on the ward. While I knew I was a student, I made sure that I listened to everyone's views, I tried to find out the actual facts about the patient that were important and was able to add useful information to the discussion. I did not take part in the 'politics' of the situation, such as issues between different personalities. My focus was on the client outcome while maintaining my professionalism and supporting my colleagues."