RDGQs and Reviews of Progress
How to complete the RDGQ sections
The following tips will help you determine what should be included and how to complete the relevant sections of your planning and review reports
List measurable, observable and demonstrable quantities – avoid making statements of belief or opinion.(This rule also applies to professional development plans and job applications.) | |
Provide accurate information about:
You may find it helpful to think about measurable, observable and demonstrable quantities. Categories and examples are provided below. You might add these points in the planning sections of the bi-annual Reviews of Progress.
- Research activities
- Achievements or outcomes
- Recognition or acknowledgement of achievement from others
Research activities
- Supervision (list specific knowledge sharing or other planned activities undertaken with supervisors, their purpose, topics covered and questions discussed)
- Information searches (list databases, keywords, appointments with academic librarians, software used, folder systems developed, alerts set up)
- Literature reviews (list disciplines, fields, themes reviewed)
- Research writing (list type of text: proposal, thesis chapter, publication, and draft: first, second, third)
- Ethics processes (list preparation of documents including protocols, information sheets, consent forms etc)
- Developing research experiments, protocols, surveys, interview schedules (list room bookings, equipment assembly, development of experimental protocols, communication undertaken to access protocols, running of experiments, follow up etc)
- Data gathering (list number, location, dates, how many, when, where, who)
- Data analysis (software used, literature reviews undertaken, themes, data set analysed, time taken)
- Participation in research networks (who, when, where, what did you do)
- Formal research education (list Research Education Support Activities and other workshops attended, online resources accessed, ongoing peer research activities)
- Publishing (full citation information)
- Presentations (who, when, where, what)
- Teaching (subject content, relationship to research field)
- Project management (list activities, what, where, when)
Achievements or outcomes
- Meeting planned supervision goals
- Completed information searches
- Mastery of soft ware and information search processes
- Completed drafts of writing (note word lengths)
- Ethics clearance
- Gathering of data
- Analysis of data
- Entry into active research networks (list serves, collective emails, sharing papers with other scholars in the field)
- Publications (conference abstracts, proceedings papers, reports, journal articles, book chapters, reviews)
- Presentations (in the school or division, at conferences or other universities, professional, industry or community settings)
- Commercialisation of research (contracts, patents)
- Winning scholarship or other funding
- Winning academic employment in the field
- Awards, prizes and formal commendations
- Conferral of degree
Recognition or acknowledgement of achievement from others
- Positive written comments from reviewers, editors, examiners, grant bodies, industry partners, professional stakeholders (including research proposal reviewers)
- Feedback about your research from employers, professional or industry bodies, or students you have taught in your subject area (formally recorded in writing)
- Unsolicited invitations to attend or present at conferences, professional or industry gatherings
- Being listed in someone else's acknowledgements