Engaged PhD - Program Stage Information


imageTo complete the Engaged PhD program students participate in:

  • an Engaged PhD induction process (Stage 1)
  • 6 compulsory skill development topics (Stage 1)
  • 2 pathway specific courses/workshops/MOOCs, (Stage 2)
  • tailored mentoring designed to support students through the Engaged PhD Program and the contemplation of future careers (Stage 2)
  • a work experience or community engagement activity (Stage 3); and
  • the development of a work portfolio (Stage 3).

Not sure where to start? The 'to-do' list and resource guide will step you through the various activities you will need to complete to become a Engaged PhD graduate! Its a good idea to print this out and attach it to somewhere you will see it so you will be able to monitor your progress as you go. You can download the to-do and resource list here.

Don't forget to record your Engaged PhD experience: It is recommended that students track their activity of their Engaged PhD experience through the Engaged PhD Activity Record. This document can be incorporated into the submitted PhD thesis as evidence of an extended training experience and/or incorporated into a future CV. You can download the activity record here.