Engaged Phd - Further Information


What is a MOOC?

A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course. Although there has been access to free online courses for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. The MOOC phenomenon has changed the face of education and enabled motivated students worldwide to gain access to elite university content. They are free, non-degree courses hosted online with open unlimited global enrolment. While most are non-credit bearing, some are starting to offer optional certificates, enhanced learning services and credit options at additional costs. Students have been embracing them as a means towards gaining sophisticated skills and career progression opportunities. For further information please view the video below.


How do I find a MOOC?

If you google ‘MOOC’ and ‘your topic of interest’, the chances are you will get some interesting hits. Alternatively browse: http://www.mooc-list.com/initiatives-and-categories which is a site where there is compiled information on MOOCs on a wide range of topics. These MOOCs are offered by a range of universities and are “hosted” by different MOOC platform companies. MOOCs vary in their content and quality. Some have been given ratings or reviews, but this is not fully supported yet, so it requires some investigation on your part into whether it is worthwhile undertaking a particular MOOC. Some suggested ideas for possible MOOCs relevant to the Engaged PhD Pathways are listed in the table below. These are provided as a guide only and you are welcome to find other alternatives. Please seek the advice of your supervisor, the Research Degree Coordinator for your School or the Health Sciences Research Office before enrolling for a particular MOOC, or if you are unsure about the type of MOOC to take.

What do I look for in a MOOC?

Before enrolling in a MOOC, ask yourself:

  • Is there a course syllabus, course description or list of learning outcomes provided? Does it meet your learning and skill development needs?
  • Is the hosting university and/or lecturer one with a good reputation? Does the MOOC have a rating or reviews?
  • What are the logistics? For example:
    • the length of the course; the workload requirements e.g. time commitments, assignment types
    • What are the software requirements e.g. video streaming, online conference facilities, specialised software?
    • What is the start date for the course during this year or next year?
  • Are there pre-requisite knowledge or background requirements?
  • Are there suggested or compulsory reading materials? If so, are these freely available online?

Some suggested ideas for possible MOOCs relevant to the Engaged PhD Pathways:

MOOC title

Hosting university

Course Length

Indicative Start date

1. Academic pathway

Learning to Teach Online U of New South Wales 

6 weeks

24 April 2017

Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education U of Michigan, USA

8 weeks

17 April 2017

Teaching Adult Learners

Central Institute of Technology, AUS

4 weeks

24 Aril 2017

Check for further sessions this year.

Foundations of Teaching for Learning 1: Introduction

Commonwealth Education Trust, UK

4 weeks

17 April 2017

Check for further sessions this year

Mathematical Biostatistics Bootcamp 1

John Hopkins University, USA

4 weeks

10 April 2017

Check for further sessions this year.

Network Analysis in Systems Biology

Mt Sinai School of Medicine, USA

7 weeks

24 April 2017

Check for further sessions later this year

2. Governance and Policy pathway

Introduction to Bioethics

Georgetown University, USA

6 weeks

15 April 2017

Global Health Policy

U of Tokyo

4 weeks

3 April 2017

To screen or not to screen? methods and health policies through case studies

U of Geneva

7 weeks

10 April 2017

Global Health Diplomacy

The State University of New York

7 weeks

17 April 2017

Systems thinking in public health

John Hopkins University

4 weeks

3 April 2017

3. Global Outlook pathway

Global Health Diplomacy

The State University of New York

7 weeks

17 April 2017

Global Health Policy

U of Tokyo

4 weeks

3 April 2017

Age of Globalization

U of Texas (Austin), USA

Self paced

Archived so is currently self-paced.

Check for further sessions this year. 

Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview

U of Geneva, Switzerland

8 weeks

10 April 2017


An Introduction to Global Health

U of Copenhagen, Denmark

6 weeks

March 28, 2016

Globalization's Winners and Losers: Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries

Georgetown University, USA

Self paced

Archived so is currently self-paced.

4. Research Enterprise pathway

Drug Discovery

U of California (San Diego), USA

3 weeks

3 April 2017

Drug Commercialization

U of California (San Diego), USA

4 weeks

10 April 2017

Drug Development

U of California (San Diego), USA

3 weeks

24 April 2017

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials

Harvard University, USA

Self paced

Archived so is currently self-paced.

Check for further sessions this year.

Innovation and Enterprise

Loughborough University, UK

6 weeks

Check for further sessions this year.

Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Duke University, USA

6 weeks

3 April 2017

Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials

John Hopkins University

6 weeks

24 April 2017

5. Clinical Practitioner Pathway

Clinical Epidemiology

Utrecht University

7 weeks

29 May 2017

Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills

University of Michigan

6 weeks

17 April 2017

All MOOCs listed in the table were found on:  http://www.mooc-list.com/initiatives-and-categories but can be located on their host site through a google search.