PP Contacts

Site: learnonline
Course: Student Placement System Help
Book: PP Contacts
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Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 8:47 AM


PP Organisations

Create a New Contact

Process Overview

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers are able to create and update Contact records, and Placement Administrators are able to correct Contact records (when required).

Warning:  Prior to creating a new Contact record, you must first perform a thorough search of the existing Contact records to ensure the required Contact does not already exist in Student Placements in Medici (the Contact may already exist through involvement with a different Organisation or Site to the one you are creating).  Only create a new Contact record if you fail to find an existing record for the Contact.

Contacts are people external to the University who support the Placement process (eg. external contacts at Sites and Organisations).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    The following instructions assume information has not previously been configured for the Contact.  If the Contact has previously been configured, and the existing information needs to be updated or corrected, please refer to the process instructions on the ‘Updating a Contact’ or ‘Correcting a Contact’ process pages.

Step 1:            Create the Contact record in Medici

Question 1:     Is the Contact for an Organisation?

Step 2:            Attach the Contact to the Organisation record(s)

Question 2:     Is the Contact also a Contact for a Site?

Step 3:            Attach the Contact to the Site record(s)

Step 4:            Record Comments and save the new Contact record

Step 1:    Create the Contact record in Medici

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


Warning:  Prior to creating a new Contact record, you must first perform a thorough search of the existing Contacts records to ensure the required Contact does not already exist in Medici.  Only create a new Contact record if you fail to find an existing record for the Contact.

A Select the Add a New Value tab.

Result:  The Contacts: Add a New Value page is displayed.


A Select the Add button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed.


Contact Details

A Effective Date:          Type or select the [date the new Contact is to be available].

      Status:                      Select Active (if this value is not already displayed).

        Name:                       Type the [new Contact’s name] (refer to the SPS Data Entry Standards for the required format).

        Contact Ref Nbr:        Type the [Contact’s Reference Number] (if applicable – eg. DECS Employee No, Nursing Registration No, etc - refer to the SPS Data Entry Standards for the required format).

        Payment Rate:          Type the [default pay rate for the Contact] (if applicable).

        Payment Rate Type:   Select the appropriate value as follows:

                                         -   Days (if a daily rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

                                         -   Hours (if an hourly rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

        TFN Provided:            If the Contact has provided a TFN, select the TFN Provided checkbox so that a tick is displayed.


Question 1: Is the Contact for an Organisation?




Is the Contact for an Organisation?

Go to step 2.

Go to step 3.


If the Contact is for an Organisation, the Contact must be attached to the relevant Organisation record(s)
(step 2).

If the Contact is not for an Organisation, and is therefore a Site Contact, attach the Contact to the relevant Site record(s) (question 2).


Step 2:    Attach the Contact to the Organisation record(s)

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1



A Organisation ID:       Select the [Organisation of the new Contact].

       Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s job title with the selected Organisation].

       Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Organisation].

Organisation Phones

B Phone Type:               Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc) if the pre-populated value is incorrect.

        Telephone:                  Type the [Contact’s number] if the pre-populated number is incorrect.

        Phone Extension:        Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

        Preferred:                  If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Organisation:

C In the Organisation Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

DPopulate the new row in the Organisation Phones section as follows:

           Phone Type:              Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

           Telephone:                 Type the [Contact’s number].

           Phone Extension:       Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

           Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts C and D of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Organisation have been recorded.

If the Contact needs to be attached to a second Organisation:


E In the Organisations section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

Continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Organisations.


Question 2: Is the Contact also a Contact for a Site?




Is the Contact also a Site Contact?

Go to step 3.

Go to step 4.


If the Contact is also a Contact for a Site, the Contact must be attached to the relevant Site record(s) (step 3).

If the Contact is not a Contact for a Site, the new Contact record can be saved (step 4).


Step 3:    Attach the Contact to the Site record(s)

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1 or 2



A Site ID:                    Select the [Site of the new Contact].

        Job Title:                  Type the [Contact’s job title with the selected Site].

        Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Site].

Site Phones

B Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc) if the pre-populated value is incorrect.

        Telephone:               Type the [Contact’s number] if the pre-populated number is incorrect.

        Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

        Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Site:

C In the Site Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

D Populate the new row in the Site Phones section as follows:

           Phone Type:                Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

           Telephone:                  Type the [Contact’s number].

           Phone Extension:        Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

           Preferred:                    If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts C and D of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Site have been recorded.

If the Contact needs to be attached to a second Site:


E In the Sites section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

Continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Sites.


Step 4:    Record Comments (if applicable) and save the new Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3


A Comments:          Type [any comments relevant to the Contact] (if applicable – these Comments are only displayed in Student Placements in Medici).

B Select the Save button.

Result:  The new Contact is created in Student Placements in Medici and will be available from the entered Effective Date.  The Contact ID for the new Contact record is displayed at the top of the Medici page.

Update a Contact's Details

Process Overview

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers have access to update Contact records as required.

If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change.  If the Contact record needs to be corrected rather than updated (ie. incorrect information has been entered for the Contact), the record should be corrected by a Placement Administrator using ‘Correction’ mode (refer to the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to update a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc).  Instructions on how to update a Contact’s Organisation and Site details are available from the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Update the Contact’s record in Student Placements in Medici

Step 1:    Update the Contact’s record in Medici

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

             Contact ID:          Type the [Contact ID].

             Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be updated].

B Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed.


Contact Details

A In the Contact Details section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

B Effective Date:       Type or select the [date from which the updates will apply to the Contact].

C Name:                    Type the [updated Contact name] (if applicable - refer to the SPS Data Entry Standards for the correct format).

        Contact Ref Nbr:     Type the [updated Contact Reference Number] (if applicable – eg. DECS Employee No, Nursing Registration No, etc – refer to the SPS Data Entry Standards for the correct format).

        TFN Provided:         If the Contact has provided a TFN, select the TFN Provided checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

D Comments:             Type the [updated comment] (if applicable).

If further Contact details need to be updated from the same effective date (eg. Pay Claim, Organisation or Site details), update these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page if required.

EOnce all required updates to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The updated information will apply to the Contact as at the entered effective date.

Update a Contact's Organisation(s)

Process Overview

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers have access to update Contact records as required.

If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change.  If the Contact record needs to be corrected rather than updated (ie. incorrect information has been entered for the Contact), the record should be corrected by a Placement Administrator using ‘Correction’ mode (refer to the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to update a Contact’s Organisation(s).  Instructions on how to update a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc), Payment Rate or Site details are available from the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Access the Contact record and insert a new effective dated row

Question 1:     Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?

Step 2:            Add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record

Question 2:     Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Step 3:            Delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact record

Step 4:            Save the updates to the Contact record

Step 1:    Access the Contact record and insert a new effective dated row

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

              Contact ID:          Type the [Contact ID].

              Name:                  Type the [name of the Contact to be updated].

B Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed.


Contact Details

A In the Contact Details section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

B Effective Date:        Type or select the [date from which the updates will apply to the Contact].


Question 1: Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?




Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?

Go to step 2.

Go to question 2.


If an Organisation needs to be added to the Contact, add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record (step 2).

If an Organisation does not need to be added to the Contact, the process continues by determining if an Organisation needs to be deleted from the Contact (question 2).


Step 2:    Add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1



If there is an existing Organisation attached to the Contact:

A In the Organisations section, select the Add a New Row button (+).  There is no need to insert a new row if there are no existing Organisations for the Contact.

B Populate the new row in the Organisations section as follows:

           Organisation ID:       Select the [Organisation to be added to the Contact record].

           Job Title:                  Type the [Contact’s job title with the selected Organisation].

           Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Organisation].

Organisation Phones

C Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc) if the pre-populated value is incorrect.

       Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number] if the pre-populated number is incorrect.

       Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

       Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Organisation:

DIn the Organisation Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

EPopulate the new row in the Organisation Phones section as follows:

              Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

              Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

              Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

              Preferred:                If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts D and E of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Organisation have been recorded.

Continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Organisations.


Question 2: Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?




Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Go to step 3.

Go to step 4.


If an Organisation needs to be deleted from the Contact, delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact (step 3).

If an Organisation does not need to be deleted from the Contact, the next step is to perform any other required changes to the Contact record for the same effective date, and then save the record (step 4).


Step 3:    Delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1 or 2



A If there is more than one Organisation record attached to the Contact, in the Organisations section, select the View All link to display all Organisation records attached to the Contact.

B In the Organisations section, select the Delete Row button (-) adjacent to the Organisation to be deleted.

Result:  A message is displayed requesting confirmation the selected row is to be deleted, and advises the deletion will occur when the transaction is saved.


A Select the OK button (or press Enter).

Result:  The selected Organisation is deleted from the Contact.

Continue to repeat this step until all Organisations that are no longer required have been deleted from the Contact record.


Step 4:    Save the updates to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3


If further Contact details need to be updated from the same effective date (eg. Payment Rate or Site details), update these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page if required.

A Once all required updates to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The updated information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.

Update a Contact's Payment Rate

step 1

Process Overview

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers have access to update Contact records as required.

If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change.  If the Contact record needs to be corrected rather than updated (ie. incorrect information has been entered for the Contact), the record should be corrected by a Placement Administrator using ‘Correction’ mode (refer to the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to update a Contact’s Payment Rate.  Instructions on how to update a Contact’s details (eg. name, comments, etc), Organisation or Site details are available from the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Update the Contact’s Payment Rate in Medici

Step 1:    Update the Contact’s Payment Rate in Medici

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

             Contact ID:          Type the [Contact ID].

             Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be updated].

B Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed.


Contact Details

A In the Contact Details section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

B Effective Date:           Type or select the [date from which updates will apply to the Contact].

C Payment Rate:           Type the [new default Payment Rate for the Contact].

      Payment Rate Type:    Select the appropriate value as follows:

                                           -   Days (if a daily rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

                                           -   Hours (if an hourly rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

If further Contact details need to be updated from the same effective date (eg. Organisation or Site details), update these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page if required.

D Once all required updates to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The updated information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.

Update a Contact's Site(s)

Process Overview

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers have access to update Contact records as required.

If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change.  If the Contact record needs to be corrected rather than updated (ie. incorrect information has been entered for the Contact), the record should be corrected by a Placement Administrator using ‘Correction’ mode (refer to the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to update a Contact’s Site(s).  Instructions on how to update a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc), Payment Rate or Organisation details are available from the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Access the Contact record and insert a new effective dated row

Question 1:     Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Step 2:            Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Question 2:     Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Step 3:            Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Step 4:            Save the updates to the Contact record

Step 1:    Access the Contact record and insert a new effective dated row

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

            Contact ID:          Type the [Contact ID].

            Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be updated].

B Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed.


Contact Details

A In the Contact Details section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

B Effective Date:        Type or select the [date from which the updates will apply to the Contact].


Question 1: Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Go to step 2.

Go to question 2.


If a Site needs to be added to the Contact, add the Site(s) to the Contact record (step 2).

If a Site does not need to be added to the Contact, the process continues by determining if a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact (question 2).


Step 2:    Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1



If there is an existing Site attached to the Contact:

A In the Sites section, select the Add a New Row button (+).  There is no need to insert a new row if there are no existing Sites for the Contact.

B Populate the new row in the Sites section as follows:

           Site ID:                     Select the [Site to be added to the Contact record].

           Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s job title at the selected Site].

           Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Site].

Site Phones

C Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc) if the pre-populated value is incorrect.

        Telephone:               Type the [Contact’s number] if the pre-populated number is incorrect.

        Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

        Preferred:                If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Site:

D In the Site Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

E Populate the new row in the Site Phones section as follows:

               Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).   

               Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

               Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

               Preferred:                If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts D and E of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Site have been recorded.

Continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Sites.


Question 2: Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Go to step 3.

Go to step 4.


If a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact, delete the Site(s) from the Contact (step 3).

If a Site does not need to be deleted from the Contact, the next step is to perform any other required changes to the Contact record for the same effective date, and then save the record (step 4).


Step 3:    Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 1 or 2



A If there is more than one Site record attached to the Contact, select the View All link to display all Sites attached to the Contact.

B In the Sites section, select the Delete Row button (-) adjacent to the Site to be deleted.

Result:  A message is displayed requesting confirmation the selected row is to be deleted, and advises the deletion will occur when the transaction is saved.


A Select the OK button (or press Enter).

Result:  The selected Site is deleted from the Contact.

Continue to repeat this step until all Sites that are no longer required have been deleted from the Contact record.


Step 4:    Save the updates to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3


If further Contact details need to be updated from the same effective date (eg. Payment Rate or Organisation details), update these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Updating a Contact’ process page if required.

A Once all required updates to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The updated information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.

Correct a Contact's Details

Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to correct a Contact record.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

A Contact record should only be corrected if incorrect information has been entered for the Contact.  If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change (refer to the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to correct a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc).  Instructions on how to correct a Contact’s Payment Rate, Organisation and Site details are available from the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Receive request to correct a Contact’s details

Step 2:            Update the Contact’s record in ‘Correction’ mode

Step 3:            Send notification that the Contact’s details have been corrected

Step 1:    Receive request to correct a Contact’s details



Requests to correct an existing Contact’s details will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to correct the Contact’s details).

The following information is required:

-   Contact to be corrected

-   Details of the required correction (name of field(s) and content to be corrected)


Step 2:    Update the Contact’s record in ‘Correction’ mode

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

            Contact ID:          Type the relevant [Contact ID].

            Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be corrected].

B Correct History:       Select the Correct History checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

C Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed in ‘Correction’ mode.


Warning:  The Effective Date field should only be updated in ‘Correction’ mode if the effective date currently entered for the Contact record is incorrect.  ‘Correction’ mode is generally used to correct information within the other fields on the page ‘as at’ the existing effective date.

Contact Details

A [Correct the Contact’s details as required].

If further Contact details need to be corrected (eg. Organisation or Site details), correct these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page if required.

B Once all required corrections to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The corrected information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.


Step 3:    Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact record has been corrected in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Contact record has been corrected using the details supplied in the request.

Correct a Contact's Organisation(s)

Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to correct a Contact record.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

A Contact record should only be corrected if incorrect information has been entered for the Contact.  If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact as at the date of the change (refer to the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to correct a Contact’s Organisation(s).  Instructions on how to correct a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc), Payment Rate or Site details are available from the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Receive request to correct a Contact’s Organisation(s) (if applicable)

Step 2:            Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Question 1:     Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?

Step 3:            Add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record

Question 2:     Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Step 4:            Delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact record

Question 3:     Do existing Organisation details require correction?

Step 5:            Correct the existing Organisation details as required

Step 6:            Save the corrections to the Contact record

Step 7:            Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)

Step 1:    Receive request to correct a Contact’s Organisation(s) (if applicable)



Requests to correct an existing Contact’s Organisation details will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to correct the Contact’s Organisation details).

The following information is required:

-   Contact to be corrected

-   Details of the Organisation(s) to be added and/or deleted from the Contact


Step 2:    Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

            Contact ID:          Type the relevant [Contact ID].

            Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be corrected].

B Correct History:       Select the Correct History checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

C Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed in ‘Correction’ mode.


Warning:  The Effective Date field should only be updated in ‘Correction’ mode if the effective date currently entered for the Contact record is incorrect.  ‘Correction’ mode is generally used to correct information within the other fields on the page ‘as at’ the existing effective date.

Contact Details

A Effective Date:           If required, type or select the [correct date for the Contact record].


Question 1: Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?




Does an Organisation need to be added to the Contact record?

Go to step 3.

Go to question 2.


If an Organisation needs to be added to the Contact, add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record (step 3).

If an Organisation does not need to be added to the Contact, the process continues by determining if an Organisation needs to be deleted from the Contact (question 2).


Step 3:    Add the Organisation(s) to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2



If there is an existing Organisation attached to the Contact:

A In the Organisations section, select the Add a New Row button (+).  There is no need to insert a new row if there are no existing Organisations for the Contact.

B Populate the new row in the Organisations section as follows:

           Organisation ID:      Select the [Organisation to be added to the Contact record].

           Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s job title with the selected Organisation].

           Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Organisation].

Organisation Phones

C Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

      Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

        Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

        Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Organisation:

DIn the Organisation Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

EPopulate the new row in the Organisation Phones section as follows:

           Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

           Telephone:               Type the [Contact’s number].

           Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

           Preferred:                If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts D and E of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Organisation have been recorded.

Continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Organisations.


Question 2: Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?




Does an Organisation need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Go to step 4.

Go to question 3.


If an Organisation needs to be deleted from the Contact, delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact (step 4).

If an Organisation does not need to be deleted from the Contact, the process continues by determining if the Contact’s details for an existing Organisation (eg. Job Title, Phone Number) need to be corrected (question 3).


Step 4:    Delete the Organisation(s) from the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3



A If there is more than one Organisation record attached to the Contact, in the Organisations section, select the View All link to display all Organisation records attached to the Contact.

B In the Organisations section, select the Delete Row button (-) adjacent to the Organisation to be deleted.

Result:  A message is displayed requesting confirmation the selected row is to be deleted, and advises the deletion will occur when the transaction is saved.


A Select the OK button (or press Enter).

Result:  The selected Organisation is deleted from the Contact.

Continue to repeat this step until all Organisations that are no longer required have been deleted from the Contact record.


Question 3: Do existing Organisation details require correction?




Do existing Organisation details require correction?

Go to step 5.

Go to step 6.


If the Contact’s existing Organisation details need to be corrected, correct the details as required (step 5).

If the Contact’s existing Organisation details do not need to be corrected, the next step is to perform any other required corrections to the Contact record, and then save the record (step 6).


Step 5:    Correct the existing Organisation details as required

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2, 3 or 4



A Job Title:                  Type the [Contact’s correct job title at the selected Organisation] (if required).

B Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s correct email address at the selected Organisation] (if required).

Organisation Phones

C Phone Type:              Select the [correct type of number for the Contact] (if required).

        Telephone:                Type the [corect telephone number for the Contact] (if required).

        Phone Extension:       Type the [Contact’s correct Extension Number] (if required).

        Preferred:                If the number is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed (if required).


Step 6:    Save the corrections to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2, 3, 4 or 5


If further Contact details need to be corrected (eg. Payment Rate or Site details), correct these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page if required.

A Once all required corrections to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The corrected information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.


Step 7:    Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact record has been corrected in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Contact record has been corrected using the details supplied in the request.

Correct a Contact's Payment Rate

Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to correct a Contact record.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

A Contact record should only be corrected if incorrect information has been entered for the Contact.  If the Contact needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the Contact record as at the date of the change (refer to the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to correct a Contact’s Payment Rate.  Instructions on how to correct a Contact’s details (eg. name, comments, etc), Organisation or Site details are available from the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Receive request to correct a Contact’s Payment Rate (if applicable)

Step 2:            Update the Contact’s Payment Rate in ‘Correction’ mode

Step 3:            Send notification that the Contact’s Payment Rate has been corrected (if applicable)

Step 1:    Receive request to correct a Contact’s Payment Rate (if applicable)



Requests to correct an existing Contact’s Payment Rate details will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to correct the Contact’s Payment Rate).

The request should contain the following information:

-   Contact to be corrected

-   Details of the correct Payment Rate for the Contact


Step 2:    Update the Contact’s Payment Rate in ‘Correction’ mode

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

              Contact ID:           Type the relevant [Contact ID].

              Name:                        Type the [name of the Contact to be corrected].

B Correct History:       Select the Correct History checkbox so that a tick (ü) is displayed.

C Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed in ‘Correction’ mode.


Warning:  The Effective Date field should only be updated in ‘Correction’ mode if the effective date currently entered for the Contact record is incorrect.  ‘Correction’ mode is generally used to correct information within the other fields on the page ‘as at’ the existing effective date.

Contact Details

A Effective Date:           If required, type or select the [correct date for the Contact record].

B Payment Rate:           Type the [correct default Payment Rate for the Contact].

       Payment Rate Type:    Select the appropriate value as follows:

                                          -   Days (if a daily rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

                                          -   Hours (if an hourly rate has been entered in the Payment Rate field).

If further Contact details need to be corrected (eg. Organisation or Site details), correct these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page if required.

C Once all required corrections to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The corrected information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.


Step 3:    Send notification that the Contact’s Payment Rate has been corrected



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact record has been corrected in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Contact record has been corrected using the details supplied in the request.

Correct a Contact's Site(s)

Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to correct a Contact record.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

A Contact record should only be corrected if incorrect information has been entered for the Contact.  If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the record as at the date of the change (refer to the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to correct a Contact’s Site(s).  Instructions on how to correct a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc), Payment Rate or Organisation details are available from the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Receive request to correct a Contact’s Site(s) (if applicable)

Step 2:            Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Question 1:     Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Step 3:            Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Question 2:     Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Step 4:            Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Question 3:     Do existing Site details require correction?

Step 5:            Correct the existing Site(s) details as required

Step 6:            Save the corrections to the Contact record

Step 7:            Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)

Step 1:    Receive request to correct a Contact’s Site(s) (if applicable)



Requests to correct an existing Contact’s Site details will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to correct the Contact’s Site details).

The following information is required:

-    Contact to be corrected

-    Details of the Site(s) to be added and/or deleted from the Contact


Step 2:    Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


A Populate one or more of the following search fields:

            Contact ID:               Type the relevant [Contact ID].

            Name:                             Type the [name of the Contact to be corrected].

B Correct History:       Select the Correct History checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

C Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed in ‘Correction’ mode.


Warning:  The Effective Date field should only be updated in ‘Correction’ mode if the effective date currently entered for the Contact record is incorrect.  ‘Correction’ mode is generally used to correct information within the other fields on the page ‘as at’ the existing effective date.

Contact Details

A Effective Date:           If required, type or select the [correct date for the Contact record].


Question 1: Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Go to step 3.

Go to question 2.


If a Site needs to be added to the Contact, add the Site(s) to the Contact record (step 3).

If a Site does not need to be added to the Contact, the process continues by determining if a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact (question 2).


Step 3:    Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2



If there is an existing Site attached to the Contact:

A In the Sites section, select the Add a New Row button (+).  There is no need to insert a new row if there are no existing Sites for the Contact.

B Populate the new row in the Sites section as follows:

           Site ID:                     Select the [Site to be added to the Contact record].

           Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s job title at the selected Site].

           Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Site].

Site Phones

C  Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

         Telephone:               Type the [Contact’s number].

         Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

         Preferred:                If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Site:

D In the Site Phones section, select the Add a New Row button (+).

E Populate the new row in the Site Phones section as follows:

             Phone Type:              Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

             Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

             Phone Extension:       Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

             Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts D and E of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Site have been recorded.

If further Sites need to be added to the Contact, continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Sites.


Question 2: Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Go to step 4.

Go to question 3.


If a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact, delete the Site(s) from the Contact (step 4).

If a Site does not need to be deleted from the Contact, the process continues by determining if the Contact’s details for an existing Site (eg. Job Title, Phone Number) need to be corrected (question 3).


Step 4:    Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3



AIf there is more than one Site record attached to the Contact, in the Sites section, select the View All link to display all Site records attached to the Contact.

B In the Sites section, select the Delete Row button ( ) adjacent to the Site to be deleted.

Result:  A message is displayed requesting confirmation the selected row is to be deleted, and advises the deletion will occur when the transaction is saved.


A Select the OK button (or press Enter).

Result:  The selected Site is deleted from the Contact.

Continue to repeat this step until all Sites that are no longer required have been deleted.


Question 3: Do existing Site details require correction?




Do existing Site details require correction?

Go to step 5.

Go to step 6.


If the Contact’s existing Site details need to be corrected, correct the details as required (step 5).

If the Contact’s existing Site details do not need to be corrected, the next step is to perform any other required corrections to the Contact record, and then save the record (step 6).


Step 5:    Correct the existing Site details as required

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2, 3 or 4



A Job Title:                  Type the [Contact’s correct job title at the selected Site] (if required).

B  Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s correct email address at the selected Site] (if required).

Site Phones

C Phone Type:             Select the [correct type of number for the Contact] (if required).

       Telephone:                 Type the [corect telephone number for the Contact] (if required).

       Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s correct Extension Number] (if required).

       Preferred:                   If the number is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick is displayed (if required).


Step 6:    Save the corrections to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 3, 4 or 5


If further Contact details need to be corrected (eg. Payment Rate or Organisation details), correct these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page if required.

A Once all required corrections to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The corrected information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.


Step 7:    Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact record has been corrected in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Contact record has been corrected using the details supplied in the request.


Process Overview

Only Placement Administrators have access to correct a Contact record.  If you are not a Placement Administrator, send an email request to your Placement Administrator.

A Contact record should only be corrected if incorrect information has been entered for the Contact.  If the Contact record needs to be updated due to a recent or future change, insert a new effective dated row to update the record as at the date of the change (refer to the ‘Updating a Contact Record’ process page).

Step by Step Instructions

Note:    This process provides instructions on how to correct a Contact’s Site(s).  Instructions on how to correct a Contact’s basic details (eg. name, Contact Reference Number, Comments, etc), Payment Rate or Organisation details are available from the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page.

Step 1:            Receive request to correct a Contact’s Site(s) (if applicable)

Step 2:            Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Question 1:     Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Step 3:            Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Question 2:     Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Step 4:            Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Question 3:     Do existing Site details require correction?

Step 5:            Correct the existing Site(s) details as required

Step 6:            Save the corrections to the Contact record

Step 7:            Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)

Step 1:    Receive request to correct a Contact’s Site(s) (if applicable)



Requests to correct an existing Contact’s Site details will be received via email from Placement Officers (assuming it is a Placement Officer and not a Placement Administrator that identifies the need to correct the Contact’s Site details).

The following information is required:

-          Contact to be corrected

-          Details of the Site(s) to be added and/or deleted from the Contact


Step 2:    Access the Contact record in ‘Correction’ mode

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    Student Placements®Placement Providers®Contacts


Populate one or more of the following search fields:

Contact ID:               Type the relevant [Contact ID].

Name:                       Type the [name of the Contact to be corrected].


Correct History:       Select the Correct History checkbox so that a tick (ü) is displayed.


Select the Search button (or press Enter).

Result:  The Contacts page is displayed in ‘Correction’ mode.

Warning:  The Effective Date field should only be updated in ‘Correction’ mode if the effective date currently entered for the Contact record is incorrect.  ‘Correction’ mode is generally used to correct information within the other fields on the page ‘as at’ the existing effective date.


Contact Details

Effective Date:           If required, type or select the [correct date for the Contact record].


Question 1: Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be added to the Contact record?

Go to step 3.

Go to question 2.


If a Site needs to be added to the Contact, add the Site(s) to the Contact record (step 3).

If a Site does not need to be added to the Contact, the process continues by determining if a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact (question 2).


Step 3:    Add the Site(s) to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2



If there is an existing Site attached to the Contact:

In the Sites section, select the Add a New Row button ( ).  There is no need to insert a new row if there are no existing Sites for the Contact.


Populate the new row in the Sites section as follows:

Site ID:                      Select the [Site to be added to the Contact record].

Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s job title at the selected Site].

Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s email address at the selected Site].


Site Phones

Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick (ü) is displayed.


If the Contact has further numbers to be recorded for the selected Site:

In the Site Phones section, select the Add a New Row button ( ).


Populate the new row in the Site Phones section as follows:

Phone Type:             Select the [type of number being entered for the Contact] (business, mobile, fax, etc).

Telephone:                Type the [Contact’s number].

Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s Extension] (if applicable).

Preferred:                 If the number being entered is the Contact’s preferred number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick (ü) is displayed.

Continue to repeat parts D and E of this step until all numbers for the Contact at the selected Site have been recorded.

If further Sites need to be added to the Contact, continue to repeat this step until the Contact has been attached to all relevant Sites.


Question 2: Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?




Does a Site need to be deleted from the Contact record?

Go to step 4.

Go to question 3.


If a Site needs to be deleted from the Contact, delete the Site(s) from the Contact (step 4).

If a Site does not need to be deleted from the Contact, the process continues by determining if the Contact’s details for an existing Site (eg. Job Title, Phone Number) need to be corrected (question 3).


Step 4:    Delete the Site(s) from the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2 or 3



If there is more than one Site record attached to the Contact, in the Sites section, select the View All link to display all Site records attached to the Contact.


In the Sites section, select the Delete Row button ( ) adjacent to the Site to be deleted.

Result:  A message is displayed requesting confirmation the selected row is to be deleted, and advises the deletion will occur when the transaction is saved.


Select the OK button (or press Enter).

Result:  The selected Site is deleted from the Contact.

Continue to repeat this step until all Sites that are no longer required have been deleted.


Question 3: Do existing Site details require correction?




Do existing Site details require correction?

Go to step 5.

Go to step 6.


If the Contact’s existing Site details need to be corrected, correct the details as required (step 5).

If the Contact’s existing Site details do not need to be corrected, the next step is to perform any other required corrections to the Contact record, and then save the record (step 6).


Step 5:    Correct the existing Site details as required

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 2, 3 or 4



Job Title:                   Type the [Contact’s correct job title at the selected Site] (if required).


Email Address:          Type the [Contact’s correct email address at the selected Site] (if required).


Site Phones

Phone Type:             Select the [correct type of number for the Contact] (if required).

Telephone:                Type the [corect telephone number for the Contact] (if required).

Phone Extension:      Type the [Contact’s correct Extension Number] (if required).

Preferred:                 If the number is the Contact’s preferred or only number, select the Preferred checkbox so that a tick (ü) is displayed (if required).


Step 6:    Save the corrections to the Contact record

Application:   Medici

Navigation:    The Contacts page will already be displayed as a result of performing step 3, 4 or 5

If further Contact details need to be corrected (eg. Payment Rate or Organisation details), correct these details prior to saving the record.

Refer to the relevant process instructions on the ‘Correcting a Contact Record’ process page if required.


Once all required corrections to the Contact have been completed, select the Save button.

Result:  The corrected information will apply to the Contact as of the entered effective date.


Step 7:    Send notification that the Contact record has been corrected (if applicable)



Advise the Placement Officer that the Contact record has been corrected in Medici (if applicable).

Send a ‘Reply to All’ response to the email request received in step 1 of this process, and advise that the Contact record has been corrected using the details supplied in the request.