Online questionnaire: data and discussion

Timing of internal review

The questionnaire asked respondents to indicate approximately how many weeks prior to the OLT grant application submission deadline their institution's internal review process took place.

Weeks before OLT deadline / Institution size A-size B-size C-size D-size Totals
N/A (smaller institutions) 4 of 9 0 of 8 0 of 7 0 of 11 4 of 35
Approx 1 week before OLT deadline 1 of 9 0 of 8 2 of 7 0 of 11 3 of 35
Approx 2 weeks before OLT deadline 1 of 9 2 of 8 2 of 7 3 of 11 8 of 35
Approx 3 weeks before OLT deadline 1 of 9 1 of 8 1 of 7 4 of 11 7 of 35
Approx 4 weeks before OLT deadline 1 of 9 4 of 8 0 of 7 2 of 11 7 of 35
Approx 5 weeks before OLT deadline 0 of 9 0 of 8 0 of 7 0 of 11 0 of 35
Approx 6 weeks before OLT deadline 0 of 9 1 of 8 2 of 7 1 of 11 4 of 35