Topic 4 Activities

Site: learnonline
Course: learnonline Demonstration
Book: Topic 4 Activities
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 26 July 2024, 11:55 PM


Activities contained in this book make up the pre-class, in-class and post-class activities required for this topic.

This week you will review the material covered so far and commence work on your assessments.

Groups will also be formed for Assignment 3 this week.

1. Read the following chapters/papers/articles

Tips for Wise Decision-Making

2. Re-read Case Study from Week 1 in preparation for your practice lesson for Assignment 2.

3. Compile a list of research for assignment 1 and bring to your workshop session.


  1. Review Glossary entries from previous weeks and discuss
  2. You will be given a newspaper article to read and consider the problems, decisions and issues related to personality and decision style. 
  3. Expectations for assignment 1 will be discussed.


  1. Discuss - how do you decide to research for your assignments? What methods do you use? What works for you?
  2. Assignment 2 Practice - In small groups you will work through the Assignment 2 practice lesson.
  3. Assignment 3 Group Formation - this will be conducted using a combination of allocation and self-selection.
  1. Complete Assignment 1 and submit to learnonline
  2. Meet with your Assignment 3 group and decide on a communication plan for the remainder of the study period. Post this communication plan on your Assignment 3 group wiki,