Assignment 1

Site: learnonline
Course: learnonline Demonstration
Book: Assignment 1
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 26 July 2024, 11:56 PM


This book contains all of the requirements for assignment 1


Due Date: 24th August 2014 (by 11:00pm)

Weighting: 15%


  • Students will research literature relating to Simon's Model of Decision Making and give a summary of their findings.
  • Students will then relate these findings to one of the business problems being discussed in the seminar groups. 


  • 1000 words (+/- 10%) not including tables, figures, reference list or appendices
  • Submission must follow template available on course webpage - note that submission will only be available for files with .doc or .docx extensions
  • A minimum of 5 references must be used, at least 3 of these must come from academic journals
  • Reference list and in-text references must comply with Harvard (UniSA) referencing style (
  • You must include a title page with student name, student ID number, course name and appropriate title for your paper
  • Do not include a table of contents for this piece of assessment

Submission and Extension

  • This assignment must be submitted through Gradebook on or before the due date and time
  • A standard penalty of 10% per day late will be applied to late submission without approved extensions
  • Extensions must be applied for using the Extensions link on the course learnonline page.
  • Extensions are not granted automatically
  • Extension requests must be supported with appropriate documentation to justify extreme circumstances

Marking and Return

  • Assignments will be marked based on the criteria available on the course learnonline page
  • Assignments will be returned through Gradebook no later than 14 days after the due date
  • Late or extended submissions will be returned through Gradebook no later that 14 days after the date of submission

Academic Integrity

  • All assignments are submitted to Turnitin text matching software for analysis
  • Student assignments with high similarity indexes may be investigated for breaches of Academic Integrity
  • Students who are under investigation for AI breaches will receive a score of zero for the assignment until the investigation is concluded.