Assignment 2

Site: learnonline
Course: learnonline Demonstration
Book: Assignment 2
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Date: Friday, 26 July 2024, 11:54 PM


This book contains all of the information required to complete all aspects of Assignment 2


This is an individual piece of work

Each Problem Analysis will be undertaken using a different scenario however the task and format will remain the same for both of the analyses to be undertaken.


  • Students will work through the required scenario (similar to the practice scenario undertaken in class during week 3)
  • As students make decisions within the scenario they will document the decision making process that they undertake and justify the choices made.
  • Students will write a reflection on the decisions made and the outcomes achieved with continual reference to the theories studied in previous weeks.
  • Note that any theory studied as part of this course prior to the assessment due date may be included in the reflection. The scenarios are not specific to one particular topic.


  • 750 words (+/- 10%) not including tables, figures, reference list or appendices for each problem analysis
  • Submission will only be available for files with .doc or .docx extensions
  • A minimum of 2 references must be used, higher marks will be achieved where references are from academic journals
  • Reference list and in-text references must comply with Harvard (UniSA) referencing style (
  • You must include a title page with student name, student ID number, course name and appropriate title for your paper
  • Do not include a table of contents for this piece of assessment

Submission and Extensions

  • This assignment must be submitted through Gradebook on or before the due date and time
  • A standard penalty of 10% per day late will be applied to late submission without approved extensions
  • Extensions must be applied for using the Extensions link on the course learnonline page.
  • Extensions are not granted automatically
  • Extension requests must be supported with appropriate documentation to justify extreme circumstances

Marking and Return

  • Assignments will be marked based on the criteria available on the course learnonline page
  • Assignments will be returned through Gradebook no later than 14 days after the due date
  • Late or extended submissions will be returned through Gradebook no later that 14 days after the date of submission

Academic Integrity

  • All assignments are submitted to Turnitin text matching software for analysis
  • Student assignments with high similarity indexes may be investigated for breaches of Academic Integrity
  • Students who are under investigation for AI breaches will receive a score of zero for the assignment until the investigation is concluded.

Practice Problem Analysis

Problem Analysis - Click on this link to the Lesson.

Note - This lesson is based on the Case Study covered in the week 2 tutorial and uses the personality descriptions from the end of the case study to determine decision style.

For this submission students are to write a 750 word reflection which considers the impact of decision style of the decision makers in the lesson on the outcome of each decision. You are required to work through each of the three starting points and reflect on the outcomes of each decision made.

Problem Analysis 1

You will only have ONE opportunity to make decisions in this analysis problem.  Make sure that you take notes about the decisions that you make and then write a 750 word reflection that discusses why you made the decisions and why you chose not to go with the other alternatives.

Problem Analysis 2

This final part of Assignment 2 will investigate Group Decision Support Systems, ie Electronic Meeting Systems (EMS) and Audience Response Systems (ARS).

Before you work through the lesson you need to research these two types of GDSS and write a 200 word comparison of the two systems, supported by your research. Once completed you will then work through the Problem Analysis 3 lesson, making decisions as you go and taking note of the decisions that you make.

You will then complete your reflection with a 300 word discussion of the decisions your made in the lesson and why you made them based on your research in the first part of this assignment.