Professional mechanical engineering

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Course: Mechanical Engineering Practice resources
Book: Professional mechanical engineering
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Date: Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 8:14 PM


Professional mechanical engineering

What does a mechanical engineer do?

In this video, Dr Mohammad Uddin discusses how engineers are involved in the creation and evolution of physical things.

As you watch, think of what the following terms mean for an engineer:

  • design
  • manufacture
  • test
  • inspect
  • analyse
  • communicate

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Where do mechanical engineers work?

Mechanical engineers can be found in a whole range of professional environments, from aerospace and automotive to pharmaceuticals and electronics.

How do you think mechanical engineers could contribute to the following fields:

  • marine industry (think about vessel development and maintenance)
  • utilities (power, water, waste management, telecommunications)
  • construction
  • defence (a whole host of work areas for mechanical engineers here!)

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What are some key skills?

When we think about engineering skills, we often focus on the technical skills - designing, calculations, testing. Of course, a professional engineers needs much broader skills than this. 

How would you rate your own skills in teamwork, communication, research, and creative design?

If you think that you could improve in some areas, watch out for opportunities to develop those skills - not necessarily in your studies!

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Competencies, log books and your career

In this video, Ms Gail Jackman, an Industry Liaison Officer, talks about aspects of your professional career as a mechanical engineer.

Much of this will be critically important not only for your future profession, but also for your assessment (Assignment 3)  for this course. 

Gail discusses: 

... how to evaluate, analyse and demonstrate your professional competencies for Engineers Australia chartered status

... how to record and reflect on professional meetings, events, and projects

... how to go about professional development during and after your graduation

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Guest speaker 1: My career as a mechanical engineer

Bradley is a UniSA graduate who is now working in the ship-building industry. He offers some tips and stories about his experiences in the world of professional mechanical engineering.  

While you are watching, think about how the experience of designing and building a mechanical device, which forms part of the assessment for this unit, will help you to develop the competencies you will need in your future career.

Download this video (193 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Professional mechanical engineering' lecture series 

Watch a YouTube playlist of all the videos for the 'Professional Mechanical Engineering' lecture series 

Note that there are no slides for this lecture video. 

Guest speaker 2: My career as a mechanical engineer

Max Redcliffe if the Principal Engineer at Babcock Internal Group, an engineering support company. He is experienced in engineering assets and infrastructure and in engineering projects. He discusses the essential skills and attitudes industry expects from engineering graduates. and how the competencies and technical skills you have learnt in your degree will be applied in the workplace. 

Download this video (324 MB) or any of the videos for the 'Professional mechanical engineering' lecture series 

Watch a YouTube playlist of all the videos for the 'Professional Mechanical Engineering' lecture series 

Note that there are no slides for this lecture video.