Engaged PhD - FAQ's

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Course: The Engaged PhD
Book: Engaged PhD - FAQ's
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Date: Friday, 27 September 2024, 4:59 PM


Engaged PhD FAQ's

What is it?

A research project-based PhD with structured co-curricular experiences for the purpose of:

  • Developing transferable career skills
  • Complementing the research experience
  • Ensuring students emerge as globally capable graduates
  • Making it easier for students to customise their skill set for future careers.


The PhD is changing globally, with graduates expected to have demonstrable career-specific capabilities upon graduation. Only a small proportion of PhD graduates enter into academia, so there is a need to train students for success in other fields. This program will enable UniSA students to be globally competitive and provide them with the best experience in research education available.

Who will do it?

PhD students who commence in the Division of Health Sciences at UniSA from 2014.

What will students get?

  • Career-specific skills, experience and engagement outside of the University.
  • A Portfolio describing these experiences and capabilities.

What does it involve?

Students undertake Engaged PhD workshops in Year 1, then a series of studies and activities aligned with a chosen pathway in Years 2 and 3. Pathways to choose from are:

  • Academic
  • Governance and Policy
  • Global Outlook
  • Research Enterprise
  • Clinical Research Practitioner