How students learn

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In order to get the best results from your teaching endeavours, it is helpful to have a idea of the theory and practice behind student learning.

In this Moodle 'book', you will see various 'chapters' outlining some of the principles behind student learning, which you can use to underpin your course learning and assessment strategies, and some practical approaches to developing effective learning activities.

Just click on the table of contents to the left to go to the different 'chapters', or use the arrows at the top and bottom of  each page to move back and forwards in this book. You can also print the book or any of the chapters out, using the links in the Administration block to the left.

Two very important learning theories to check out are constructivism and student-centered learning - you can find more information from the chapters to the left.

We have also included information on other popular theories about how students learn best, such as:

  • Active learning - in which students solve problems, pose and answer questions, discuss and debate
  • Cooperative learning - in which students work with their peers in on projects which foster positive interdependence and individual accountability
The learning pyramid [Source:]

Interesting links

The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice 

Practitioner Guide from thInnovative Learning Environments ProjectCentre for Educational Research and Innovation.