Essential maths (arithmetic and functions)

Site: learnonline
Course: Research Methodologies and Statistics
Book: Essential maths (arithmetic and functions)
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Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 6:49 PM


The videos on the following pages provide a neat introduction (or refresher!) to fundamental mathematical concepts.  It'd be a good idea to have a look at these videos before starting on the other biostatistics modules if you are not confident with basic maths!

Useful Resource: Symbols & abbreviations used in statistics

Basic mathematics

This second video covers the following basic mathematical concepts:

  • Factorial,
  • Summation,
  • Equation of a line,
  • Exponential function, and
  • Natural logarithm.


Basic Math Review: Stanford School of Medicine

Essential numeracy

The following video covers the following essential numeracy skills:

  • Decimals,
  • Fractions,
  • Percentages, and
  • Ratios.


Basic Numeracy Workshop: Learning Development Service, Queen's University Belfast