Elementary Mathematical Functions

MATLAB has a number of built-in functions, such as square root, sine, cosine, exponential, etc, functions. The following table gives a list of some commonly used functions. Later you will also write your own functions.

round(x) Rounds to the nearest integer
floor(x) Rounds down to nearest integer
ceil(x) Rounds up to nearest integer
rem(y,x) Remainder after dividing by (eg remainder of 17/3 is 2)
sign(x) Returns -1 if ; returns 0 if ; returns 1 if .
rand or rand(1) Generates a random number between 0 and 1
exp(x) Exponential function
log(x) Natural logarithm function, (where )
sqrt(x) Square root function,
abs(x) Absolute value function,
sin(x) sine function
cos(x) cos function
tan(x) tan function