Command Sequence Controls


Relational Operators

Symbol Example Meaning of Example
< a<6 true if a is less than 6
<= a<=6 true if a is less than or equal to 6
> a>6 true if a is greater than 6
>= a>=6 true if a is greater than or equal to 6
== a==6

true if a is equal to 6 (note double equals sign)

~= a~=6 true if a is not equal to 6

Boolean Operators

Symbol Definition Example Meaning of Example
& And

(a>2) & (a<6)

a is greater than 2 and less than 6
| Or

(a>2) | (a<6)

a is less than 2 or greater than 6
~ Not ~(a==6) a is not equal to 6


Simple if- statements

if <expression>

<commands>…%executed only when

%expression is true



% This code assigns the value of x to negativeValue

% only if x is negative

x = 4;

if x<0

negativeValue = x


Exercise: Using Relational Operators

> What is wrong with the following code? Type it in MATLAB to check the error message.

% This code assigns the value of x to zeroValue only % if x is zero


if x=0

zeroValue = x


> What happens when x equals to zero or x is not zero?