Script M-file

Properties of Function M-Files

A MATLAB file of a special format that contains code with optional inputs and outputs is called function M-file.

Some advantages:

  • Functions can be called from inside of other script and function M-files.
  • Inputs allow variable values to be modified when calling the function (eg from the Command Window).
  • Outputs can be assigned to other variables at the Command Window or within a separate M-file.


  • A slight disadvantage with a function M-file is that you must follow the prescribed format, or else it won’t run correctly. Once you get the hang of that, you will see they are often very useful.


> The following function M-file finds the value of the function f(x) = sin x + x3 for any value of x. Type it in and save as exercise1func.m in your Current Directory

% <insert your name and the date here>

% exercise1func.m

% input: x

% output: p, solved in terms of x

function p = exercise1func(x) %Note special format!

p = sin(x) + x^3

> Call this M-file from the Command Window using the following command and then update it to find the value of for p(x) for x=3, 4, 5, 6.

exercise1func(3) % returns value for x = 3

> Consider the case, when the variable x is an array [3 4 5 6]. Modify your function M-file so, that it will be able to work with arrays.