
MATLAB Project

The MATLAB group project will develop and assess your ability to meet and work in a designated team, to exhibit imagination and skills in the implementation of MATLAB, and to produce professional reports. The MATLAB group project will involve an extended application of engineering mathematics that involves numerical work. Its objective is to extend knowledge in calculus and its application to engineering problems. The project is designed to help develop your body of knowledge of MATLAB, your skills in effective problem solving, and communicating in a professional context.

The MATLAB group project is to be done in small teams. Exceptions must be agreed on in advance with the Coordinator; otherwise, marks will be deducted. If you have problems with your team, discuss them with the Coordinator well before the project due date. You may be required to submit a completed Self and Peer Assessment Form to assess your contributions and those of your team mates.

Do not divide the project work so that different people are responsible for the MATLAB coding and for the report. (Projects done that way are usually of poor quality and receive low marks.) Each team member must participate in all aspects of the project: maths calculations, MATLAB work and report writing.