
Your work is to be presented in a group wiki - so instead of submitting, your wiki editing rights will cease to allow your work to be marked.

Wikis are the only way that you can collaboratively generate a product when working at a distance in groups. You are able to add images and other media to the wiki by first giving it a url. An easy way to do this is to make a post to your group forum and add the files as attachments to the forum. You then right click on image to obtain the url, then add to wiki.

The basic layout of the wiki should be

  1. an opening page with the names of the group members and a table of contents,
  2. a full description of the main findings of the project, including the derivations and calculations in Q1 and Q4, explanations in Q3, discussion of the angular velocity of the lever AP, and a neat summary of all of the numerical values determined by Matlab in Q5, with appropriate comments on their significance,
  3. a printout of your properly documented M-Files theta.m, phi.m, mech.m and any other M-Files you have written for the project,
  4. all three required plots, properly labelled, and
  5. a presentable printout of all the answers (the output) found by MATLAB in mech.m.