Processes and procedures

Please note that the following areas will be explained in more detail during training.

During your Study Help PAL shift you need to:

  • be available to work with at least one other Study Help PAL at a metropolitan or regional campus in the following locations:


Location of gear

Card access needed?

Location of SHPALS

City West

Level 7, Jeffrey Smart Building

Yes. Access will be added to your   student card.

Level 2, near Campus Central desk, table with orange benches

City East

SEU reception P2-40, Playford   Building


Library, table a few metres in from entrance on right in student learning space


SEU reception Q Building


Library, table in a group of study tables on the left as you enter

Mawson Lakes

SEU, C Building, next to Learning Adviser desk

Yes. Access will be added to your student card.

Library, ground floor, opposite Campus Central desk, round table and chairs next to walk-up computers



Not currently, but might be needed in future. Ask Library staff.

Usually in Library

Mt. Gambier

Main Mt Gambier office

No. SHPs need to ask at reception.

Piazza and Conference rooms

  • wear your SHP t-shirt and closed toe shoes at all times
  • be at the same location each session so that students can find you easily
  • arrive at designated campus at least 10 mins before the beginning of your shift to retrieve banner, tablet, other materials and set up
  • place banner nearby to signal your availability
  • use tablet to show online resources (or your own laptop if you prefer)
  • enter the key information about student enquiries using the Google Form 'Study Help PALs Enquiry Entry Form' - on the tablet desktop
  • record the number of hours volunteered each session on the Google sheets document 'Record of SHP Hours' - also on the tablet desktop
  • Note: please select the relevant Study Period from the tabs at the bottom of the spread-sheet.
  • return banner and tablet at the end of your shift

Communicating changes in your availability

  • the SHP Leader for each campus will send one or two group emails soon after the training to everyone in your campus team to explain the next steps
  • if you’re running late or can’t make your shift, please contact the other SHPs on your shift and the SHP Leader via the communication tool, Slack

Sharing ideas

  • use Slack for sharing ideas, or information on resources
  • lots of our best ideas started during conversations at our morning tea catch-ups!

Feedback and concerns

Please share any feedback or concerns with your Study Help PALS Leader in the first instance

If you want to discuss your concerns further, you can contact Alison Pryce or Keith Smith at you have questions about the processes for addressing concerns, please contact Kirstin Marks, Manager: Learning Advisers at