Picture of Yee Wei Law

Activation function: contemporary options

by Yee Wei Law - Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 10:43 PM

This knowledge base entry follows discussion of artificial neural networks and backpropagation.

Contemporary options for are the non-saturating activation functions [Mur22, Sec. 13.4.3], although the term is not accurate.

Below, ( should be understood as the output of the summing junction.

  • The rectified linear unit (ReLU) [NH10] is the unipolar function:

    ReLU is differentiable except at , but by definition, for .

    ReLU has the advantage of having well-behaved derivatives, which are either 0 or 1.

    This simplifies optimisation [ZLLS23, Sec.] and mitigates the infamous vanishing gradients problem associated with traditional activation functions.

    ReLU has gained dominance since its introduction.

    ReLU is implemented by the PyTorch function ReLU.

    However, ReLU suffers from the 💀 “dying ReLU” problem during training, when some neurons stop outputting anything other than 0 [G22, Ch. 11]:

    • During training, if a neuron’s weights get updated such that the weighted sum of the neuron’s inputs is negative, the neuron will start outputting 0.
    • When this happens, the neuron is unlikely to resurrect since the gradient of the ReLU function is 0 when its input is negative.
    • In some cases, half of the neurons die, especially when a large learning rate is used.
  • The leaky ReLU (LReLU) [MHN+13] is one of the earliest extensions of ReLU:

    where is fixed and typically set to .

    LReLU is differentiable except at , but by definition, for , thus avoiding the dying ReLU problem.

  • The parametric ReLU (PReLU) [HZRS15] extends LReLU:

    where is a tunable parameter controlling the slope of the negative part of PReLU, and is to be learnt jointly with the model in end-to-end training.

    PReLU is implemented by the PyTorch function PReLU.

  • The exponential linear unit (ELU) [CUH16] is a smooth extension of LReLU:

    where is fixed; see Fig. 1.

    ELU is implemented by the PyTorch function ELU.

    Fig. 1: A plot of the response of an ELU with .
  • The scaled exponential linear unit or self-normalising ELU (SELU) [KUMH17] extends ELU:

    where ensures a slope of larger than 1 for positive inputs; see Fig. 2.

    SELU was invented for self-normalising neural networks (SNNs), which are meant to 1️⃣ be robust to perturbations, 2️⃣ not have high variance in their training errors.

    SNNs push neuron activations to zero mean and unit variance, leading to the same effect as batch normalisation, which enables robust deep learning.

    SELU is implemented by the PyTorch function SELU.

    Fig. 2: A plot of the response of a SELU with .
  • The Gaussian error linear unit (GELU) [HG20] extends ReLU and ELU:

    where is the cumulative distribution function for the Gaussian distribution, and is the error function .

    Unlike most other activation functions, GELU is not convex or monotonic; the increased curvature and non-monotonicity may allow GELUs to more easily approximate complicated functions than ReLUs or ELUs can.

    ReLU gates the input depending upon its sign, whereas GELU weights its input depending upon how much greater it is than other inputs.

    GELU is a popular choice for implementing transformers; see for example Hugging Face’s implementation of activation functions.

    GELU is implemented by the PyTorch function GELU.

    Fig. 3: A plot of the response of a GELU with .


[CUH16] D.-A. Clevert, T. Unterthiner, and S. Hochreiter, Fast and accurate deep network learning by exponential linear units (ELUs), in ICLR, 2016. Available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07289.
[G22] A. Géron, Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd ed., O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2022. Available at https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/hands-on-machine-learning/9781098125967/.
[HZRS15] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on ImageNet classification, in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 1026–1034. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCV.2015.123.
[HG20] D. Hendrycks and K. Gimpel, Gaussian error linear units (GELUs), arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.08415, 2020, first appeared in 2016.
[KUMH17] G. Klambauer, T. Unterthiner, A. Mayr, and S. Hochreiter, Self-normalizing neural networks, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (I. Guyon, U. V. Luxburg, S. Bengio, H. Wallach, R. Fergus, S. Vishwanathan, and R. Garnett, eds.), 30, Curran Associates, Inc., 2017. Available at https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2017/file/5d44ee6f2c3f71b73125876103c8f6c4-Paper.pdf.
[MHN+13] A. L. Maas, A. Y. Hannun, A. Y. Ng, and others, Rectifier nonlinearities improve neural network acoustic models, in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2013. Available at http://robotics.stanford.edu/~amaas/papers/relu_hybrid_icml2013_final.pdf.
[Mur22] K. P. Murphy, Probabilistic Machine Learning: An introduction, MIT Press, 2022. Available at http://probml.ai.
[NH10] V. Nair and G. E. Hinton, Rectified linear units improve restricted Boltzmann machines, in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML’10, Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA, 2010, p. 807–814.
[ZLLS23] A. Zhang, Z. C. Lipton, M. Li, and A. J. Smola, Dive into Deep Learning, 2023, interactive online book, accessed 17 Feb 2023. Available at https://d2l.ai/.

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