
'An idea, product, process or service that adds value, is useful or transforms current practice in the context to which it is applied. ‘First generation innovators’ are those who do or create something new or different. ‘Second-generation innovators’ are those who take an innovation from one context and replicate, adapt or transform it for use within a new context.' (Southwell et al., 2005, p. 2).

Source document for glossary entry: Hinton, T., Gannaway, D., Berry, B., & Moore, K. (2011). The D-Cubed Guide: Planning for Effective Dissemination. Sydney: Australian Teaching and Learning Council.

Reference used in glossary entry: Southwell, D., Gannaway, D., Orrell, J., Chalmers, D., & Abraham, C. (2005). Strategies for effective dissemination of project outcome: Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

» Words and terms commonly used in association with developing OLT grant applications