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Anyone with a strake or interest in the project.

Source document used for glossary entry:  Hinton, T., Gannaway, D., Berry, B., & Moore, K. (2011). The D-Cubed Guide: Planning for Effective Dissemination. Sydney: Australian Teaching and Learning Council, p. 6.

See also change enablers, end users and targeted potential adopters.


'The continuation of benefits after project funding has ceased.' (Joyes, Turnock, Cotterill, & Banks, 2009, p. 131).

Source document used for glossary entry:  Hinton, T., Gannaway, D., Berry, B., & Moore, K. (2011). The D-Cubed Guide: Planning for Effective Dissemination. Sydney: Australian Teaching and Learning Council, p. 6.

Reference used in source document: Joyes, G., Turnock, C., Cotterill, S., & Banks, S. (2009). Sustainability. In L. Hodson, R. Segal, T. Brown, J. Hughes, C. Stokes & C. Turnock (Eds.), FDTL Voices: Drawing from learning and teaching projects. Heslington: The Higher Education Academy.