Topic Name Description
Undergraduate Programs Folder Bachelor of Information Technology - LBCP

For students who have not nominated a particular plan i.e. Games and Entertainment Design, please click on the "Generic" folder for your Enrolment Advice document.

Please Note: first year courses across all our plans are identical.

Please also ensure you are viewing the correct Start Date for your program

Folder Bachelor of Mathematics - LBMH
Folder Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) - LHIT
Folder Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) - LHSG
Undergraduate Programs - Mid Year Entry Folder Bachelor of Information Technology - LBCP
Folder Bachelor of Mathematics - LBMH
Folder Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) - LHSG
Postgraduate Programs Folder Graduate Certificate in Information Management - DCIL
Folder Graduate Certificate in Data Science - LCDS
Folder Graduate Certificate in Information Technology LCIG
Folder Graduate Diploma in Information Management - DGIL
Folder Graduate Diploma in Data Science LGDS
Folder Graduate Diploma in Information Technology LGIG
Folder Master of Information Management - DMIL
Folder Master of Cybersecurity - LMCY
Folder Master of Data Science - LMDS
Folder Master of Information Technology - LMIG
Postgraduate Programs - Mid Year Entry Folder Graduate Certificate in Information Management - DCIL
Folder Graduate Certificate in Data Science - LCDS
Folder Graduate Certificate in Information Technology - LCIG
Folder Graduate Dilpoma in Information Management - DGIL
Folder Graduate Diploma in Data Science - LGDS
Folder Graduate Diploma in Information Technology - LGIG
Folder Master of Information Management - DMIL
Folder Master of Cybersecurity - LMCY
Folder Master of Data Science - LMDS
Folder Master of Information Technology - LMIG
An De College Students - LHSG Specific Folder An De College LHSG - Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)