Topic outline

  • Wave Bay is a coastal town about 400 km from the state capital.

    Our town has a 100-bed hospital, two medical centres, three aged-care facilities, a large shopping centre (40-plus shops), and a main street with some 25 businesses. We have one large supermarket, 7 full service restaurants, and 4 fast food restaurants. 


    As of August 2018, we have a population of 25,247 residents:12,876 are female, 12,371 are male.

    Many in our community are retirees, but we have been joined by a steady influx of young families over the last five years.

    You can see the population distribution in the infographic here.


    Most (90%) of our residents live within 10 kms of the town’s centre, with the final 10% living between 10 and 50 kms away. 

    Our community is ethnically diverse; 15% of our residents have been born outside of Australia. About 10% of these community members speak English as a second language. 


    The Wave Bay community values education, and 50% of our residents over 18 have completed Year 12 or equivalent. In fact, 33% hold a Bachelor's degree or higher. Our unemployment rate, as of May 2019, was 5%, and 80% of our households are considered to be mid or high income households. If you're interested, you can download a diagram of our latest population pyramid (image file, 240 KB). 

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