Topic outline

  • VPLR

    Virtual Pathology Learning Resource

    Dr Jyothi Thalluri, Dr Irina Majumder, Paul Shepherd

    Pathology is an important component in the medical and allied Health science courses. The examination of pathological specimens is essential while learning the disease processes. However, the efficient use of specimens from the pathology museum is frequently limited due to inaccessibility for off-campus students, occupational health and safety issues, and large student numbers. This VPLR is a new teaching platform comprising digitized human normal and human pathology specimens, patient case studies, histology, histopathology, short answer/ critical thinking questions and self-assessment quizzes.

    The pathology specimens representing common conditions were selected to create an accessible and effective tool to help students to link the theoretical basis of pathology, pathophysiology and related courses with their future profession. High quality photographs of the anterior and posterior views were taken and the images were processed using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash software. Key anatomical structures were labelled using interactive techniques: clicking on a structure name from the list adjacent to the image would highlight the structure on the photograph. Interactive links to the definitions of the key pathological concepts were integrated into the text of the case study. Each of the case studies included a detailed description of the pathology identifiable on the specimens. Relevant histological images as well as the photographs of normal specimens were linked to the case studies as well. A list of logical reasoning questions and multiple choice questions covering important concepts of pathology and pathophysiology accompanied each of the case studies.

    This resource is developed to promote evidence based and inquiry based learning styles, and is aimed to enhance interdisciplinary/inter-professional learning for medical and health sciences students.

    Click on the links, or images, below to access the learning modules. Modules will open in a new window - close window to return to this page.


    Cardiovascular disorders

    aneurysm screen shot thumbnail
    Aortic Aneurysm Endocarditis


    Endocrine disorders


    Hepatobiliary disorders

    Cirrhosis Hepatitis


    Immunological disorders

    Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia


    Nervous System disorders

    Stroke screenshot thumbnail
    Stroke Brain Trauma


     Renal disorders

    Hydronephrosis screen shot thumbnail


    Respiratory disorders

    Bronchial carcinoma screen shot thumbnail
    Bronchial Carcinoma Lobar Pneumonia



    Creative Commons License
    Virtual Pathology Learning Resource by Paul Shepherd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.