Assignment 3

Site: learnonline
Course: learnonline Demonstration
Book: Assignment 3
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Date: Saturday, 27 July 2024, 12:05 AM


This book contains all information and resources required for Assignment 3


This assessment contains both group and individual components

Working as an individual is NOT an option for this piece of assessment. Groups will be assigned in week 4 following the Personality type/Decision Style tutorial and will be groups of either 3 or 4 students ONLY.

Group Project Plan

  • Students will submit a project plan (750 word maximum) for the group report and model development task.
  • The project plan will conform to the template on the learnonline page and will include an outline of tasks to be undertaken, who will be responsible for each task, a time line agreed to by all group members and a bibliography of material to be used in your report.

Group Report Task

  • Students will investigate the spreadsheet development and issues related to decision support systems by considering two of the following areas of theory:

knowledge management, 

artificial intelligence, 

expert systems and 

end user development.

  • Each group will submit ONE report outlining their findings. This report has a maximum word length of 750 words per student (ie groups of 3 = 2250 word max and groups of 4 = 3000 max)

Group Model Task

  • Students will develop a decision support model using MS Excel to solve the group case study problem.
  • Each group will submit ONE spreadsheet and ONE peer review form..

Group Case Study Problem

To be released shortly

Peer Review

Marks for the group component of this assignment will be moderated through Peer Review.

Peer review must be undertaken as a group. You must complete the Peer Review Form and have one member of the group email this to the course coordinator no later than Wednesday 12th November 2014.

If no evaluation is received by this date it will be assumed that all group members have contributed equally to the production of both parts of the assignment or have completed the tasks allocated to them by the team in a timely manner.

All team members MUST post acceptance of the peer review point allocation to their team wiki by the due date or it will be assumed that you agree with the allocation of points.

Individual Reflection Task

  • Each student will submit a 1000 word reflection discussing the influence of decision styles and personality type, of each individual in their group, on the group decision making process. You should include discussion of theory related to the stages of group/team development, decision styles and personality types.
  • In addition to reflecting on the decision making process, students should discuss strategies that you would employ to improve the group/team performance for future collaborative tasks.
  • Please note that this is NOT an opportunity to attack your fellow group members.
  • Each individual will submit ONE report outlining their findings.
  • Additional details supporting this report will be available on the course learnonline page.


Group report - 3000-4000 words (+/- 10%) not including tables, figures, reference list or appendices depending on group size.

Individual report - 1000 words (+/- 10%) not including tables, figures, reference list or appendices

  • Submission will only be available for files with .doc or .docx extensions
  • A minimum of 6 academic references (in addition to course readings) must be used for the group report
  • A minimum of 4 academic references (in addition to course readings) must be used for the individual reflection
  • Reference list and in-text references must comply with Harvard (UniSA) referencing style (
  • You must include a title page with student name, student ID number, course name and appropriate title for your paper
  • Do not include a table of contents for this piece of assessment

Submission and Extension

  • This assignment must be submitted through Gradebook on or before the due date and time
  • A standard penalty of 10% per day late will be applied to late submission without approved extensions
  • Extensions must be applied for using the Extensions link on the course learnonline page.
  • Extensions are not granted automatically
  • Extension requests must be supported with appropriate documentation to justify extreme circumstances

Marking and Return

  • Assignments will be marked based on the criteria available on the course learnonline page
  • Assignments will be returned through Gradebook no later than 14 days after the due date
  • Late or extended submissions will be returned through Gradebook no later that 14 days after the date of submission

Academic Integrity

  • All assignments are submitted to Turnitin text matching software for analysis
  • Student assignments with high similarity indexes may be investigated for breaches of Academic Integrity
  • Students who are under investigation for AI breaches will receive a score of zero for the assignment until the investigation is concluded.