Experimental Method


Watch this video to see how the hydrostatics experiments were performed.

You need to examine the experimental rig to determine the system by which the hydrostatic force is balanced by the hanging weight in each case.

Note the dimensions of each shape and all relevant angles and distances to strings, walls, hinges etc. (see attached ½-scale drawing in Data for Analysis).

You are required to OBSERVE the measurements being performed on the bays, but only “write up” one of them.

Bay-Specific Methods

Bay 1 - Rectangular

Watch as we apply the weight (W1) to the string and while keeping the gate sealed against leakage. Then the trough is filled until the water level, which produces a balanced system, is reached.

The observed water depth that this occurs is recorded.

Bay 2 - Circular

In this bay we fill the trough until the water level approximates the level of hinge. We then apply the weight (W2) to the string and syphon water from the trough until leakage from the gate indicates that the balance situation is near. You then need to observe the water depth at balance, but be quick, as the gate will open immediately after balance has occurred.

The observed water depth that this occurs is recorded.

Bay 3 - Triangle

As for Bay 1 except weight W3 is used.