Data for Analysis

Please download the spreadsheet to obtain data for this experiment.

As you’ll see, the experiment was run twice for 24 different scenarios – each scenario represents a unique pipe system in terms of the specific combination of pipe length (5, 10, 15 or 20 metres), diameter (13 or 19 millimetres) and static lift (low, medium and high). Multiplying these combinations together (4 lengths, 2 diameters and 3 static lifts) gives the 24 individual scenarios. The parameter being measured was the time taken (seconds) to fill a 10 litre bucket, which you will use to determine a flow rate.

Two tests were done for each scenario – you should use the average value from the two tests but also be sure to inspect each test to see if there are any obvious sources of error (e.g. if there is a large discrepancy between two tests for the same scenario it is an indicator that something went wrong in one of those tests).