Practical 6


Table of some MATLAB polynomial commands

roots([c1 c2 c3]) finds the roots of a polynomial given its array of coefficients, [c1 c2 c3].
poly([r1 r2]) constructs a coefficient array, given the roots, [r1 r2], of the desired polynomial.
polyval(p,x) finds the value of the polynomial with coefficient array p at any given number x.
conv(p,q) multiply two polynomials, and , with coefficient arrays, p and q

finds the quotient and remainder of polynomial division, p(x)/q(x)


> Exercise: Multiplying Polynomials

> Define two polynomials p(x) and q(x) as coefficient arrays p and q in MATLAB

p=[ 1 2 3], q=[2 1]

> use conv function to multiply them


> Now, by hand, convert the arrays p and q back to polynomials and multiply them.  Compare your result with the one you received from MATLAB. Is the MATLAB result trustworthy?

> Exercise: Finding Polynomial Roots

> Find the roots of two polynomials, p(x) and q(x), with coefficient arrays p and q

p = [3 -4 0 7 -9 3]

q = [4 5 -6]

> Exercise: Dividing Polynomials

> Multiply p(x) and q(x) by using the conv function and corresponding coefficient arrays.

> Use deconv function to find the remainder and quotient of p(x)/q(x)


> Exercise: Re-creating Polynomials from Given Roots

> Find a polynomial with roots r1=5, r2=-5, r3=4, r4=-4.