8. Symbolic Toolbox


If S is s symbolic expression, then ezplot(S,[a b]) graphs the function y = S(x) (or y = S(t)) over the domain a ≤ x ≤ b. If [a b] is omitted, the default domain is −2π ≤ x ≤ 2π. Also, if no title command is used, the default title is the expression S. Of course you are not using arrays and so the dot notation is not applicable.

Example: In “Maple”, plot the function y = sin 2x/ ln(x2 + x + π) for −10 ≤ x ≤ 10.

clear all                     % file available in M-files folder as file8.m

syms x


ezplot(y,[-10 10])            % notice title

hold on

plot([-10 10],[0 0],’k’)       % plot x-axis

hold off
