8. Symbolic Toolbox

subs, eval

Variable substitution and expression evaluation: subs, eval

Suppose you have a symbolic expression f which includes the symbol x and you wish to substitute for x another symbol c or a numerical value x0. Then you can use the general subs command g=subs(f,old,new) which in our cases would be g=subs(f,x,c) or g=subs(f,x,x0). Here old, new can be arrays. The result g is still a symbolic variable or symbolic constant in “Maple”.

Example 1: Consider a function of the two Cartesian coordinates f(x, y) =

2xy/(x2 + y2)2 .

Change to polar coordinates using x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ and then determine the value of f at an arbitrary point on the unit circle r = 1.

clear all

syms x y r theta


F=subs(f,[x y],[r*cos(theta) r*sin(theta)]);

F=simple(F) % previous answer is messy


which gives the output



An alternative is to use the eval command. It is of the form ans=eval(S) where S is a symbolic expression for which at least one of its symbolic variables has just been given a value. If all variables are given numerical values, the answer is a number in MATLAB, not “Maple”.

Example 2: Let us compare simple MATLAB and “Maple” codes which both evaluate the expression y = (x3 + 2) sec x at x = 0.123.

MATLAB code Maple code using subs Maple code using eval
clear all clear all clear all
x=0.123 syms x syms x
y=(x^3+2)*sec(x) S=(x^3+2)*sec(x); S=(x^3+2)*sec(x);
y=subs(S,x,0.123) x=0.123;
y=double(y) y=eval(S)

Example 3: Reconsider Example 1 at the top of the page. Change the last line to the corresponding two lines in the following M-file:

clear all

syms x y r theta


F=subs(f,[x y],[r*cos(theta) r*sin(theta)]);


