Creating formulas

A dynamic model allows calculations to be adjusted in real time. Numerous factors can be considered simultaneously and final calculations immediately visible. Many programs can be used to perform this function including Microsoft Excel.

Practise Spreadsheet - Sponsorship

Task – Work out the best way the perimeter of the Adelaide Oval could be divided up into signage for gold, silver and bronze sponsorship levels. You will need to complete the formulas in the spread sheet on Moodle and use it justify your sponsorship options.  

Sponsorship Spreadsheet

For help with creating formulas in Excel you can go to the mathematics section in the References and Resources tab for your chosen STEMIE theme.  

= at the start of the formula will calculate the cell
To multiply use * and to divide use /
$ symbols are used so a cell does not change in a formula as you move down the spreadsheet

Factors to consider:

  • Number of sponsors
  • Length of signage for each sponsorship level
  • Number of signs
  • Percentage of total perimeter length allocated to each sponsorship level

Once you have created the formulas in the spreadsheet you can use the following information to check they work correctly. 

Adelaide Oval Dimensions

a axis

b axis








The units need to be the same for a and b.

Check your answer in the perimeter of an ellipse calculator.

If the formulas are correct on the spreadsheet the answer should be the same as the Google calculator. 

If you have a different answer, check the totals for each section on the help sheet page to see where the error might be. 

Once you have your perimeter value correct, practise using your dynamic spreadsheet by changing the values in the green shaded boxes. 

What now?

Try and modify this spreadsheet to demonstrate:

  • Crop or livestock yields in Flood! Fire! Famine!
  • Budgets in Movie Magic or Mars Mission
  • Future energy consumption in Revolutionary Resources
  • Profit and Loss calculations in Carnival Capers

You can also create your own spreadsheet from scratch, or modify existing templates. 

Dynamic model spreadsheets allow adjustments to be made as changes occur.